
The beginner's mind has endless possibilities. In the expert's mind there are few - SHUNRYU SUZUKI

The way that they looked at each other before jumping seemed hopeful. Not "We're gonna die."

Another thing are tree branches, that when numerous enough, can gradually slow you down enough to survive your fall. As long as you don't hit the very top of the tree by accident. Something to think about the next time you fall from 30,000 feet without a parachute.

Oh you mean know-nothing know-it-alls are worse than simple know-nothings?

Good point on Dr Melfi. Ugh that was soo horrible, but it wasn't gratuitous.

Geeks can be vicious. Just ask George Lucas.

Her character is enough of a narcissist to make such a comparison, if Jesus existed in that world.

I disagree. Bad stuff seemed to happen to everyone. Bad and good alike. Ugh.

When the people were spitting on her and throwing things at her, all I could think was how she threw their food away while they starved (in a Marie Antoinette kind of way). She deserved every bit of the shaming, but it was shocking even for her to actually FEEL incredibly intense, humbling shame and grief over the

I've been shipping them forever. The man has the skills she needs!

Hmmph. A "stark realization."

@Dante - "And a murderer. He killed a deserter of the night's watch who was trying to save people wth his warning because it was the law.."

OK, you totally lost me on that one. German engineering is some of the best in the world. The Swedes seem to do absolutely everything better.

I take it you've seen that movie by The Asylum. Scary stuff.

The government isn't a "thing". It's people. It's your friends, family and neighbors who may actually be commenting on this very board. In any organization, whether the government, or a big company, on your local school - you have people who do a good job, and people who are incompetent or lazy. You have people who

Don't you have more suicides than any place on earth?

Don't nearly all villains (and heroes and antiheroes for that matter), think that they're on the right side of things?

She admitted to Stannis' wife that half of her theatrics are just for show. But she is a true believer. Kind of like the preachers who are most likely devout in their own way but they run around showboating and faking miracles in order to keep their flock in order.

Rick Ross: "I'm not a star."

My lil sis (18 yo) said: