
Soccer. There's a level of patient demeanor I think you'd grow to appreciate. Of course, it involves watching multiple games.

Wrong thread.

Is that you Bill Barnwell?

Things aren't looking bright for Honduras when their keeper is chest trapping desperation 25-yard drops.

You're right. Landon can't place the ball at all. That's why he moved from striker to outside mid.

Now playing

There was nothing lucky about Donovan's pass. Pure precision, right amount of zip to the heel. He's got great rapport with Dempsey, placed it where he new the finish was possible. Was this ball vs Turkey lucky because the defender didn't get to it first? No, it wasn't. I won't argue that he's been subpar in the Gold

Since it's a country club sport it wasn't really meant for the dark ages.

@Hatey: It's incredible you found time for DUAN during a Congressional Staffer key party.

That takes a lot of planning and time wasting I bet. So the important question is can Andy Hutchins drink yet?

General Motors has been beaming like idiots for years now too. The scoreboard in this thread reads: EUROPE

Don't worry about that excessive rubbing and tickling on Rory's chest. Everybody knows "Gerry Kelly" is Irish for "Even More Inappropriate Richard Dawson"


She's just constantly fluttered by the outstanding masculinity of her husband, Gourmet Spud.

Miss Maryland was notably absent early on because she originally went to a club called Evolution and gave the lot of "judges" crabs.

These bastards have been driving traffic away from my blog EdgarWinterGroupCoupe which documents every time a university gets caught giving players a car.

Student: Coach Holgorsen let me buy you a beer.

I can't wait for the risque Holgorsen photos with already over-reported stories when Bill Stewart speaks out in his amateur Huntington Post op-ed.

Want to convince children there might be no god? This bastard is probably still alive after a near engulfment.