
This reminds me of my "Guard on Guard" Trading Card from the 2008-2009 NBA Finals.


Shit, anyone reading this have $10 to spare? I swear I'll pay you right back....

Real, hard crying.

Drew I can somewhat relate as some who has transferred, twice actually. Originally went halfway across the country to college, then a college 10 minutes from home, and finally a reasonable 4 hour drive. It isn't the easiest thing, but our difference was in my two transfers I went to places with friends, best friends

This was a nice change of pace for the Vols. Normally they are posturizing others, from behind, with guns and/or knives, for money and/or cell phones, or on lesser extent their dates and/or girlfriends.

I don't know, some days when I'm running behind the homeless people always complain their free shit is cold.

Thank you kindly, sir.

Who can think about tennis at a time like this! Does the San Diego zoo know a zebra is loose?

College Baskebtall DUAN, anyone know if there is a streaming link for New Mexico at San Diego State?


dont-forget-where-you-came-from-teenage-puck-girl should be making her appearance in these trenches soon though, right.. RIGHT?

In retrospect, I can't believe I got my privates waxed for this.

That's because UweBollocks held a homeless man's hypothermic needle to the video editor's jugular the whole time.

Whenever they hire me. You'll all be screwed!

No coincidence Deadspin dong feature shares an episode with dick nickname extraordinaire Jimmie Johnson. Frank DeFord? Full of dickheads tonight.

Truth be told he did get beaten silly, but the group's ally, Mr. Clean, magically erased all accounts of it.

Eh, I've got no complaints. I just wanted to make a Simpsons reference.

They're doing away with comments?