I realize I’m several months late to the prank party but I’d love to share the one I pulled on my ex-husband in the early 90s.
I realize I’m several months late to the prank party but I’d love to share the one I pulled on my ex-husband in the early 90s.
Hair oil, old makeup sponges, and Diet Coke
Hair oil, old makeup sponges, and Diet Coke®️
I was JUST thinking exactly the same thing: Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka. Sick and diabolical murdering predators, those two :(
Hooray for banana seats! This was my regular mode of travel between playing Barbies after school and TV tag until the lights came on.
Embarrassing confession : When I was 6 or 7, I was madly in love with Davy Jones from The Monkees, so at bedtime and before I went to sleep, I’d place a doll between my legs and then wake up in the morning next to my imaginary husband to exclaim, “Oh Davy, look! We had a baby while we were sleeping!”
I prefer to spell it “awwwters”.
Alternatively, come up with a device for men who feel vulnerable in their ability not to sexually assault someone. Worn on the belt for easy access, with a quick press of a button it would send sharp barbs or an electric jolt to the testicles, along with a GPS alert to the location, just in case he couldn’t help…
Poor little button! And judging from her manners it was the first time her parents ever dropped the ball by getting separated in your store. Nice work, adults!
I’ve been saying this for years. There is no such thing as a “quick question”.
Ha! Thanks!
Decaf with skim milk. WHY
Yeah, no. I love trees as much as the next person and even though I had two surgeries for fibroids and routinely had to double up on the Ultra OB with an Always Overnight pad during the day, I still tried the cup.
To be honest, there’s nothing like cheddar on tuna salad.
Thank you for bringing these brains into my life.
“....running off into the night (presumably to climb the nearest skyscraper and swat at planes).”
Dammit, now I want Beef Dip.
YES. That line gets me every time.