That’s amazing and very illuminating.
That’s amazing and very illuminating.
I feel like if I had MORE confidence and maybe less boyfriend when I was younger I would have had a much more productive life.
Absolutely. I also personally believe that if a religious-based hospital is the only shop in town, they ought to be required by law to practice fully. That or risk being taken over by the government.
I have no problems with people who pray for guidance in what action to take, or pray along with taking action. I don’t happen to think it is effective, but I can understand why someone who is religious would feel they should pray. I think it says something about a person, though, when the ONLY form of “help” they can…
I've been thinking lately: Does religion make ppl crazy or are crazy ppl more likely to be super religious?
As Hank Hill says: You’re not making Christianity better, you’re making Rock and Roll worse!
Have you ever read the version of the Bible published by Thomas Jefferson? There are no miracles, angels, or even resurrection!
I had this happen when I volunteered at my daughter’s school for picture day. I was no-makeup, hair in a bun, baggy sweatshirt, and 33 goddamn years old. A teacher came up to me and said “Whose class are you in, sweetie?”
Me too! The big earthworms who are in a hurry to get somewhere are tough to pick up but I can't stand the idea that they might get stepped on.
I still move worms and snails from the sidewalks too. I hate the thought of them getting crushed :(
Not sure if this ever happened on a first day of school, but I would frequently miss my school bus because I was walking too slowly up the street, stopping to remove drowny worms from puddles along the way. I still do this and not long ago missed a city bus for the same reason. Poor little waterlogged worms.
I’ve been fortunate to never have anybody I’m dining with act more than slightly irresponsibly towards a server (and that is super rare). I’d like to think I keep better company than that and that if someone I was with did act in such a horrible way i would tell them off/leave/apologize to the server, but man, that’s…
Totally - I ran around in these for three weeks in Europe. Not only did they last, but I never slipped once on any of that smooth cobblestone.
Totally - I ran around in these for three weeks in Europe. Not only did they last, but I never slipped once on any…
Also Pedag makes pretty good ones of these, available on AmazonPrime. They ALSO have them in black, and with woven sisal instead of latex — I find these last much longer and feel really nice.
Also Pedag makes pretty good ones of these, available on AmazonPrime. They ALSO have them in black, and with woven…
You’re probably going to get a lot of similar replies, but it’s not all “omg crazy brides!” in the wedding industry. There are many brides who care a whole lot about details and must-haves, but in my experience, so much of that stuff is driven by the expectations of family.
As a photographer who’s done some weddings for friends, sometimes I’m tempted to put my shingle out for weddings with a quick and dirty, no frills package that’s clearly stated on my website. For $X00, I will photograph your wedding for [X] hours, give you a metric tonne of photos and be on my way. I can only imagine…
You have no idea how many times I’ve had that thought about my tree-filled and quiet suburban backyard and my ability to legally marry people. Makes me want to put a sign out front, ‘WEDDINGS EVERY DAY, $25/ person’, b/c damn. This should be a time you’re excited about inventing the next phase of your relationship and…
I fully support a policy that if a customer is rude to the staff, they will be refused service and told to leave.
After the last few weeks of these articles, I have lost all hope for humanity, and am extremely curious as to why we as a society tolerate such assholes in the first place?