Ectoparasitic Infestation

Agreed. I mean wtf why is this even an article or a thing being talked about? No sarcasm, I mean legit, wtf is this? Why is this even a topic point, its a digital persons bikini that is too revealing for her quoted age in a country that greatly frowns upon that. They’re trying to sell units here, not fight the man.

It’s extremely unlikely that the NX will be out next year. We’re still at the stage where we having nothing but rumors without substance.

See, I’m not a huge fan of dark chocolate so I probably wasn’t going to like it anyway. HOWEVER, it was free which usually equals delicious for me and even then...I wonder what “true” “bean-to-bar” (sounds like a move you can try with your vibrator) chocolate tastes like...seems like fancy=bitter as fuck.

I think the buster sword has grown slightly over the years, too. Looks slightly smaller to me in the original Cloud art.



It’s pronounced like “You BABY!”

Vintage generic beer cans are a niche collectible.


This one is my favorite:

She was awarded for her medical bills, that coffee was well into dangerous temperatures and caused third degree burns on 6% (eta actually it may have been 16%) of her body. It almost killed her. She was in the hospital for 8 days and needed skin grafts. She originally asked for her medical bills but they refused.

I fail to see what Smooth Jazz Waluigis have to do with any of this.

Well, the last Nintendo Direct reiterated that the unnamed Legend of Zelda game is still expected for release on Wii U. Even if they release it as a cross-generational title like Twilight Princess, it would be hard to not call it a Wii U flagship title.

So, The Legend Of Zelda isn’t a flagship game?

Mark my words: The Wii U “Zelda” will break records.

Hey Johnnie, I couldn’t agree more the Wii U has amazing, exclusive, original, great games. I laughed at the troll that replied to you!

Similarly, when I open the front door, nobody expects me to have pants on.

The alleged attack took place Nov. 8, and police said it was led by junior DB Brian Githens

BoxBoy is actually part of Game of Thrones canon, so you’re going to miss out on some key developments.

Ah, I see. I haven't played it, but ZombiU looks like a pretty boring melee slog with some no-doubt frustrating moments of being killed and having to track down your items as a new character.