
Any relation?

I like "Dr. Manhattan's Cornhole Nebula" better.

On Linkin Park Transformers - very fitting that Bay likes the band. It certainly makes sense given his personality type.

@Coulter: If it wasa stray bullet chances are it didn't have the energy left in it to move much after passing through the bone and tissue. Or maybe his snot is really thick because of his high-cheese diet rich in Ricotta and Mozzarella.

@WestwoodDenizen: Maybe he means he watched the animated Clone Wars movie? Or he only saw some of the 60 minutes of embarrassingly bad romance sequences in any of the prequel trilogy movies? Or it was the Special Edition of the original trilogy and he was watching ROTJ and the "revamped" Jabba's Palace scene made him

@SewerShark: Well as a professional photographer, I consider anything that isn't my own work to be either morally wrong or legal. That way, at least in my head, I can be the best at what I do.

The character art looks like the label on the bubblegum machines that sell Homies figurines. Abso-fucking-lutely terrible.

Hey another "masterpiece" from my "favorite" pastry chef, no doubt made of 12 pounds of inedible fondant and plywood with PVC and hardware screws holding it together. Just add some royal frosting and airbrush some food coloring on it and call it a "cake."

I loved the book when I read it for some high school project that looks suspiciously like this years ago... I liked the movie, especially considering it was the first blu-ray I bought for my brand new flat screen and PS3. I somehow don't recall many of the scenes depicted here though.

"A Youtube user thinks NASA is "the most fascinating, adventurous, epic institution ever devised by human beings". We agree."

They need to put some drones over Ridgmar Mall if they want to monitor illegal immigrant activity.

@CaseyG: It's all but been confirmed, a couple months ago Jalopnik posted an article that included a former A12 (or SR-71? Can't remember specifically) pilot's account of a routine overflight mission in which they accelerated several times to avoid SAM's being launched at them. He actually spoke about hitting Mach

I always had a sneaking suspicion about the little android guy...

@donrhummy: I, don't know, I can't, think, of anything, more, annoying than a few, grammatical errors, can you,?

Someone get me this kid's agent. I need to hire him to fight stray dogs in a sealed-off culvert while I taunt him and throw empty Shiner bottles at his head.

Dunno, a Skyline in the US that doesn't have Super ATTESSA and HICAS is just a tarted-up 240sx with a couple hundred pounds of weight added and the steering wheel on the inconvenient side for the Chicken Express drive-thru window.