
Hey Robber, can you do us all a favor and get in touch with whoever is responsible for that terrible commercial to let them know that the Nissan term "4 door sports car" died a long time ago? There is absolutely no way anyone would be thrilled in trading a 370Z for the wrong-wheel-drive landwhale that is the new

Why does that toddler on the left have the body of an adult?

Is it really that hard to believe when you look at the segment of Apple followers who buy the products solely to be seen using them?

Why is Gaston a drag queen in this version? I know that Thais make "convincing transvestites" thanks to Alex Garland and a pervy high school computer science teacher that liked to share too much, but this stretches it a BIT too far.


@BallPtPenTheif: If you want hovercars (well, the physics anyway), just play Forza!

Then you should raise your son right, and if it's my daughter your son is after, bring more than a baseball bat :)

@TwiceDead: Who cares, at this point the entire canon has been tainted beyond any redemption. If the game is good, I will play for fun and not care about all of the bullshit "expanded universe" junk mucking up the story.

@Sandeep Murali: So is Steve Jobs though. I wonder, if we put them in a room together, would they cancel each other out?

Thanks for deciding what I should hear when I receive a dirty text message from my girlfriend, Apple. While I can still get those kind of messages, anyway.

That mom is so hot.

Brian, you need to start letting this kid drive. He's at the perfect age to get into the motorsport arena. Start with karting and work your way up through SCCA and NASA events as he gets older.

@Pinkhamster: That actually did happen but the effects of the debilitating disease Stoltz infects Fox with didn't take effect until well after the BTTF series had finished filming.

This game depresses me so, so much. I wanted to find some kind of flaw that would justify my not being able to devote hours and hours each day, but I couldn't. The only excuse I can possibly offer for not buying this and withdrawing into my 8-year-old inner child is simply that I am too old.

New patent: Fatty and Uggo filter to be placed over your beer goggles. You can get as wasted as you want, the processor driving the filter stays sober as a judge. You don't even SEE the cock-blocking unibrows and cankle queens that are typically found in the company of hot girls, which leads to extra hilarity when you

These toys are too crappy to justify a movie made for the sole purpose of hocking them to little kids... So maybe the movie is actually going to be good and the toys are poop just because?

• Avatar changes - we've finally pulled our heads out of our asses and listened to those of you who feel that the standard avatar pose is evocative less of a hardcore gamer and more of an effeminate ribbon dancer. You can now stand firmly on two feet with both arms at your side like a normal human being. This update

@NinjaMarion: I have no idea what you're talking about, you hurt my feelings. I'm reporting you mean-head :,(