
Demand free fried pickles. I find their wings sub-par and usually 1/5 come with feathers still attached.

Looks more like she used some Murray's pomeade then went through her crazy old lady handbag. Maybe Aquanet?

I got all of the entertainment this game is capable of providing from the first trailer.

Spoiler Alert:

@DokiDokiPanic: But wait, you look suspiciously like Justin Long in "distressed" jeans and a hoodie... does that mean I have to hear about how you heard this version of the song WAY before anyone else and how you DJ the local club sometimes and you have some of your own mixes you'd like me to listen to? I can spare

Hi, I'm a PC. Today I'm slowing down terrible pop music into something more listenable. What are you doing today Mac?

WOW! Everything about this trailer screams 1999. Music score, special and practical effects, dialogue, plot, EVERYTHING! In fact, this looks almost exactly like Batman & Robin or Batman Forever.

Eric Wareheim-ish. Just not as over-the-top as his work.

This guy is rad. I'll share his exploits with everyone I know.

@espinha: It may have been said before you, but I saw your comment first and I hearted you for it.

Did she have a sudden onset of childhood diabetes?

What? No Sam Jackson as Nick Fury? I'm suitably outraged.

@zark169: Substitute NBC, ABC, CBS, etc... for Fox and you're pretty dead-on. Crap reporting knows no implied political affiliation boundaries.

@OddManOut: Crystal Star is widely accepted to be crap, though - although I was like 12 when I read it last so my personal opinion is useless - and I can't think of many other instances this particular situation would have become a problem (Ysalamir?).

I sincerely hope when Skynet boots up, the makers of this film will be the first targets.

It's less schizophrenic behavior and more typical female behavior. The rapid changes in opinion seemingly based on mood. The irrational explanations for it's actions. The ability to play victim for no reason and have thousands of White Knights battling each other to come to it's aid...

why have Legos evolved from small bricks that stretch the limits of our imagination to large chunky pieces that make "out of the box" thinking and building an impossibility?

This feature is woefully missing the adventures of Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff, the only gamer-pandering comic that matters.