
@Charlie Jane Anders: Oh my bad, I thought that she was NOT a real-life person, but instead an alien (must be because of the awesome makeup job!) and therefore applicable for me to share my opinion on.

Could tell they were British by the chick's ugly mug.



So anyone gullible enough to download this modern-day Jamster app will be getting SMS ads hocking lead-based Chinese Viagra now.

@Sven Neve: Thanks, never thought of that!

@FauxReal: Ah. I was thinking this might be the type of post that gets fleshed out later as details are made available, but your opinion makes sense.

It's okay, they can find other aerospace-related jobs since the defense budget for companies based here in Texas like Lockheed and Bell is still intact.

@Paper-Cut: I dunno, the excerpt you quoted doesn't really explain WHY you don't have to worry about your privacy or security... If I was getting my device "pinged" randomly by someone I would love to know exactly what is included in the info they are sending to and retrieving from me.

While I enjoyed the trailer, I can't help but feel there is still a disconnect somewhere between reality and the character designers' perspective in comic-based video games.

Gawker's gallery format for this type of post sucks. Seriously. I can't tell what is amusingly chubby and what is disgustingly obese from the thumbnails and I have to scroll back and forth to see what I clicked.

Ah, society. You never fail to amaze me by highlighting just how far we have come and yet how low we really are.

Seriously. If this were real life, move 10 feet to the left outside of it's turn radius, use the ~5 minutes of lag between shots to find cover or just be able to move at a pace slightly faster than a leisurely stroll through the park.

I trust you, you seem like you know what you are talking about. For an additional fee, could you also protect me from all of my "friends" who are trying to suck me into their social networking lives?

Oh, you weren't taking about the hideous and fat Rose...

So what the PS3 owners on XBL say about the Xbox IS true?

I have ants too, the vacuum only did so much. Go to your grocery store and buy a citrus scented ammonia-based cleaner, mix it half and half with lemon scented dish soap and spray it where they are coming into your house, then along the base of the walls in that room to keep them out.

Once again having worked for Radioshack Inc. yields a good piece of insider information.

Willing to bet my situation is more fucked up than his - and I'm not starting a pissing contest or asking for a bailout either. I am illustrating a point that times are tough all around, and if you think YOU personally have it bad, try stepping out of your shoes for a while and seeing the big picture.

Hm. Looks like someone took their 6/10-at-best girlfriend and went all creepy-nerd-fetish on her with oil on canvas. Pretty sure Zelda never had the whole bad posture and big nose thing going, and if we were to see more of what was going on outside the canvas she would be wearing some hipster attire unflatteringly and