Teddy Atlas Shrugged

Brian McCann just put you on his list

He didn’t exhaust one option: forfeiting the game. That would have been the right thing to do. Then he could have asked the other team if they want to have a joint practice or a pickup game, or just shake their hands and go out for pizza. You don’t always have to win.

I think it would be really hilarious way to score a moral victory if the opposing team, down 82-0, stopped throwing any hittable pitches. Walk 45 runs in in a row. If the batter tries to swing at the horrible non-strikes, bean them. Force the game late into the night, far into the triple digits. In fact, maybe you

The terrible part is the league has an 83 run mercy rule.

You’ve honestly never run into sexist progressive bros? Seriously? Take our word for it, it’s a thing, in a BIG way.

Many of Clinton’s people exemplify the phrase “too clever by half.” They are so proud of being bare-fisted brawlers, even if it doesn’t make any sense and ultimately hurts the candidate.

Followed further by, “And let me tell you about the size of their bladders!!!!”

What’s Skellyannes point exactly? Comey has to know a guy well to write a memo about the conversation they had? She’s not even trying anymore. I don’t know why she bothers to crawl out of her crypt every morning

I’m pretty sure that’s known in legal circles as the 8 Mile defense.

it is not like you can actually speak to conservatives on issues such as this but let us take a peak at this famous myth of a liberal media....and to try to get into those thick skulls i will use their most basic form of, or as you youts call them....memes.

Anyone to the left of the KKK is considered a liberal in the US

Counterpoint: Klein doesn’t mean well at all. He is an incompetent, ethically challenged, overpaid tool much like his colleagues. It’s the only plausible explanation for garbage takes such as this:

I don’t think conservatives are *working* the media. Most executives within these media conglomerates are center, center right wing because in the end they are corporations trying to make money. Corporations are not going to employ anyone that is going to try and subvert their agenda.

This! They’ve basically played the victim card so relentlessly and so hard that they’ve news orgs scared to ask truly critical questions. They come up with logically unsound ideas, and when they’re pressed to explain them they blame the “liberal mainstream media” rather than confront actual ideas.

Probably because Krugman actually knows a thing or two about economics, making him an extremely rare bird in the media (liberal or otherwise).

Yup, its funny to see him vs. Yglesias when they evaluate Ryan. Matt has a lot of problematic views but he has seen Ryan clearly from the beginning.

Yeah, they’ve been able to define Democrats pretty much unchecked for the last few decades for that exact reason. Any pushback just reinforces conservatives belief that the liberal media’s out to get them.

Conservatives are masters of working the referees. It’s why the NYT covered HRC like a hawk while normalizing Trump’s obvious affinity for authoritarianism during the campaign, and why James Comey felt compelled to disclose the reopening of the email case right before the election despite FBI and DOJ protocol. The

For basically the entire time he’s been in office, Paul Krugman has been the only one who called him out in the “liberal” media. He called him a flimflam artist, con artist, snake oil salesman, fraud, all the way back to 2010. He’s mercilessly torn apart his “budgets” with their magic math.

It was fascinating to watch Ezra Klein realize on dozens of occasions that Paul Ryan behaves a grifter who acts in bad faith, without realizing that Ryan is a grifter who acts in bad faith.