I can’t think of any, excepting the runner who gave his gloves to the two black athletes to do the black power salute. He was blackballed from pretty much every job ever in Australia for supporting that.
I can’t think of any, excepting the runner who gave his gloves to the two black athletes to do the black power salute. He was blackballed from pretty much every job ever in Australia for supporting that.
On that last one, your Milkbone brought ALL the dogs to the yard.
GodDAMN do white people hate themselves some black folks.
It gets even worse: Miami brought in Jay Cutler last year. That proves they weren’t even trying to win. At least he stood for the anthem.
EJ Fucking Manuel started a game last year. That’s all you need to know right there.
But not TOO cerebral like that smarty Cal kid.
Yet they salivate over a guy (Josh Allen) whose athleticism is allegedly off the charts but can’t hit the side of a barn.
No, you don’t understand, I can openly hate black people now because the Southern Conservatives that hated black people back then were DEMOCRATS, so maybe you’re the real racist?
How about this w/r/t dog whistles? I feel like I did pretty well.
He’s TOO athletic to play pro football.
A frenchie toque? Wake me when someone with a MAGA hat gives him that advice.
They’re still smarting from Brady taking a knee to end Super Bowl XLIX.
Man, I wish I could live until 2068 when conservatives of that time will be praising Kaepernick for his ‘non-violent protest’ the same way they do MLK now, even though when both men were doing their thing, conservatives totally hated their guts.
Well obviously that veteran just didn’t understand how to support the troops.
Wow, this team’s motto truly should be “Nah, maybe we should just pass instead!”
A Green Beret Army veteran (who played for the Seahawks) suggested Kaepernick begin kneeling (previously he remained seated) during the national anthem because it showed “respect.”
Yeahhhh dude. To me a smoothie is equal parts delicious, and mode of ingestion for copious amounts of greens that I otherwise do not want to eat. There’s a sweet spot where you’re putting in enough spinach to do your system good, but not enough that you can actually taste it. The berries cover you.
Oh hell yeah. You can’t even taste the greens and it breaks up much better than kale. Granted, I also eat a cup of spinach without any dressing or anything so my tastes might be a bit odd, but with the banana, yogurt, berries, protein powder and ginger, you’d hardly even know in a smoothie.
Yep, try it. Spinach is good by itself, but if you are squeamish, a serving of spinach adds almost no taste.
I make myself a smoothie 6/7 mornings a week (Saturdays are for unhealthy things), and even though I make the same damn smoothie with the same damn ingredients EVERY SINGLE TIME, I can never get the proportions right so that I make the perfect amount of smoothie with no wasteful leftovers. Ever. There’s always like…