Teddy Atlas Shrugged

Thanks for the info. Though I suppose having to continue to be T.J. Miller might be pretty severe in itself.

It might be a good idea for him to go to rehab.

A stranger recently told me I look like him, and I almost punched her (which would have probably only made things more uncanny ...).

Ironically enough, TJ Miller actually had a bomb is his bag.

The weirdest thing, is that my understanding is that Pandas are the opposite of sex crazed and that zoos play panda porn to get them to hump. They are so not interested in sex that they have trouble procreating.

When your dunk is so good it disrupts video encoding.

Ask and ye shall receive:

Sounds like my first date.

Every time I see a player do this I picture myself doubled over in pain with a new bruise on my leg and a pristine bat


I was surprised by the Charlotte/Asuka ending, but also thought that was one of the best-worked matches I’d seen in that division in a long time. They are clearly all in with Charlotte. The Rousey match was great for what it was and she really had the crowd into it. Her character work was really good. She sold very

hmm, that is a TOUGH ONE! I’m guessing it could be paid for through taxes the way it is in throughout the industrialized world. It’s amazing the things we could accomplish if we weren’t completely subsidizing the arms industry!

Yeah, RoH does a fair bit of it too. I appreciate the idea of a performer having multiple possible finishers. It works on a couple of levels:

You aren’t wrong. Finishers have lost a great deal of luster in modern pro wrestling, with guys kicking out finishers on weekly shows. On major PPV matches, no one ever gets pinned from one finisher and it’s kind of lame. Finishers were better when they were protected.

Having Reigns get hit with six F-5's and Brock get

Hell there’s third world nations that do a better job at health care, at least in terms of results (and especially in terms of results vs costs)

All four Democratic candidates running for California’s 49th district are advocating for a single-payer, Medicare for all system. Just over two years ago this type of proposal was being attacked relentlessly on the national stage by Democrats. It’s encouraging that this isn’t a taboo position to take anymore.

To which, I really have never understood why the US is so screwed up on healthcare..

Yes! Obamacare was/is a squishy centrist attempt at placating far too many interest groups firstand taking care of ppl second. Is it better than literally nothing, sure, but so what? Its a mess and Medicare For All needs to happen.