Teddy Atlas Shrugged

Not a doctor either. All I can share is my personal experience, and I tore my ACL about a month after I pulled my hamstring. Even a month later, I was still moving in a way to favor the left hamstring, and I wouldn’t be surprised if that put extra strain on the knee joint. 

To all the responses about how bad Bush Sr. was—Yes, I agree. It’s all relative though. As far as presidents go, his sociopathy was a bit reserved. In terms of Republican presidents go, his sociopathy is downright restrained.

The first George Bush wasn’t terrible.

You’re not “wrong” but you’re only partially “right.”

Yes. Let’s do the exact same thing that won the election last time.

There is a surprisingly large group of people out there who believe the best way to beat Trump is to keep doing the exact thing that lost the election last time.

This is a great post. This is exactly why courting moderates has not been a successful strategy for the Dems.

Scientism is a religious-type thing. There are people who are so comforted byand whose existential anxieties are so soothed by thinking that humans have learned just about everything that needs to be learned, scientifically speaking, that they react like any other kind of fundamentalist when presented with evidence

Ehhh. Honestly, that sounds good in theory. And up to the age of Trump, even though I’ve always been a pretty radical lefty, I adhered and supported that.

No. The problem is not “defeating” the “centrists.” It’s recognizing that the Centrists are what Republicans used to be. And “centrism” now means supporting some repugnant shit all in the name of “getting things done.”

Are you saying Jesus can’t hit a curveball?

Jesus Christ, man.

um, the song is written in first person

Wrong Way is also written in the first person, and it’s unlikely that it’s autobiographical.

Calm down, SoCal tough guy. 

I think there’s a definite element of misanthropy in their music, and because misanthropes are cynical of all people, women are also included.

I literally don’t remember a single utterance of anyone on deadspin staff writing that the Lakers “deserved” Davis. It was about the Pelicans’ failure to build a winning team around a generational talent and potentially having the decency to allow him to go play somewhere he preferred.

Yeah, except it wasn’t.

What do you call one lawyer dead at the top of Mount Everest?

Holy false equivalency, Batman.