Teddy Atlas Shrugged

Unfortunately, I’m starting to think there was nothing to drop.

I don’t even really like his music, and even I know this.

Dent’s transformation is never convincing. Nolan doesn’t have an inkling of an idea about human motivation, so all his characters have to be motivated by their wife dying. That’s the only thing that makes sense to Nolan. But it doesn’t make sense that someone as pure as Dent would only need his girlfriend to die

This is bullshit. Deadspin is not really a sports reporting site. It is a commentary site. And almost all of their posts have a distinctly liberal bent to them.

It doesn’t matter what “moves” you. The facts are playing “Centrist” liberalism has cost the Dems dearly since the end of the Clinton era. It’s given us Trump, and people like you refuse to accept that. 


He looks like the guy who, whenever somebody mentions ordering pizza at the smokeout, always wants to order Papa Johns. 

Why is it “fetishizing” female attractions instead of simply acknowledging that he’s a man and therefore cannot give her everything she would be looking for from a woman?

I think it still might have had a similar initial impact, because it really did nail the “realistic” aesthetic that was new to comic book movies.

Nope. It’s actually fits nice and comfy within the genre of “superhero” movie. 


You wrote that it “transcended the genre” not that it “transcended geek culture.” By “transcending the genre” I interpret it as being a movie whose content evolved or exceeded the limits of a given genre and became at once part of that genre while being something altogether different.

It’s by design.

It didn’t really transcend the genre. It was just the perfect mix of hype, Ledger’s performance and death, and of the tone being the first superhero movie to really nail that “grimdark” feel without any real winking.

I remember when Dunst, MaGuire and Franco were doing the promotional rounds on television, the seemed so disinterested and bored with the movie. Like they were above doing comic book movies. And now those movies are basically the most important movies on the planet. 

Dead parents and who think people always secretly wanted Peter Parker to be a cool outcast instead of a nervous nerd. 

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is the only Spider-Man movie I never saw in the theater. I finally saw it on, like, TNT a year or two ago. The action was a bit improved over the first, but somehow it was an even worse movie. It’s the closest thing to another Batman and Robin we may ever get from a comic book movie.

Stop believing politicians when they say they have your best interests in mind. Demand candidates that are in favor of unions, in favor of higher taxes for the rich and for regulation.

There isn’t a more homoerotic sport than football. That’s the thing.

Great piece. The ending was a little abrupt, like the sudden of a kung fu film, so I guess it fits the overall theme.