Exactly. The movies just don’t have any real nerve or courage.
Exactly. The movies just don’t have any real nerve or courage.
The Marvel films are all slightly above average in quality. They all have their quirks that play better toward some audience members than others. I don’t quite understand the appeal of smug, sardonic white guy gains superpowers and becomes a slightly more likable smug, sardonic white guy. Fanboys love the Captain…
It’s as American as slavery and genocide to believe that “self-love” means spending all kinds of money on shit you don’t need.
I always thought it was just as good as Friday Night Lights—which, if anything, actually is sort of explicit in its fondness for the cult of high school football— except it took itself so much less seriously, and filmed its scenes much more coherently, and therefore was infinitely more watchable. But I get that I’m…
Exactly! I know the same kind of people who didn’t even really like him, but now that he’s the man, they’re all about supporting him and believing him about everything.
The issue is that Trump already has crossed a bunch of lines that GOPers won’t stand for. They just can’t admit it. They will blame the media or the commie pinko queers or whoever for spreading fake news. Then they don’t actually have to believe anything Trump has done has been done.
The article doesn’t make it out that way at all. It’s pretty clear that Smith wanted to form a union, the UFC didn’t want her to, and as soon as they were able, they cut her a severance check (hush money) and let her go.
Yes, brown people are not murdered or incarcerated quite on the level as black people. But it’s still significantly higher than what White folks experience.
Well, it worked like gangbusters last time, so, what else do they have going for them?
Eh. She agreed to marry a rich idiot asshole and get some of his money. She didn’t sign up for the rest of this shit. I save my sympathy for those who deserve it, but I don’t really think this was what she was thinking she was getting out of the arrangement.
She doesn’t have to try. That’s what people like you don’t understand. They just need to throw something out there for their supporters to latch onto. The republicans want the memos released, not because of anything that’s in them, but because it will give Trump supporters some new shit to twitter about. These people…
Right, I agree. I think, to an extent, each person draws their own line. I know people who disqualify any sport that relies on subjective judging to determine scores (e.g. gymnastics, figure skating, etc). But for me, I draw the line on my own definition of “athleticism.” Which is basically using the body to move…
Being a professional carpenter takes a high degree of skill and endurance. But carpentry isn’t a sport. Saying something isn’t a sport isn’t necessarily a knock on that activity.
Word. Mainstream libs don’t seem to understand that these people aren’t really on our side. We vote for them because they’re competent technocrats who at least resemble actual human beings.
I watch it. I like it. But there have a been a few episodes where I knew a lot about the subject that I could see were cherry picking information and sources just as bad as any other show, so it makes me wonder just how much of the series is like that.
It’s a tough one. I mean, a number of Indians and South Asians have stated they find the character problematic, so we should probably listen. AND, I think we’re getting a little too sensitive about these things. I’m a LatinX of Mexican descent and I’ve, on several occasions, been told by white people that Speedy…
Haha. Sorry.
Sorry to interrupt your class, sir. However, I never did say I wasn’t mediocre. If real recognizes real, then mediocre recognizes mediocre, my friend.
He’s probably a Jordan Peterson fan. In that world, every single problem in the world somehow hearkins back to some insidious Marxist conspiracy to take over the world via a bunch of mediocre college professors.
You guys post this shit just to remind us just how depressed we should all be, right? Like, some days the fear and loathing dulls enough to be so cutting all day long, and then I read these letters and remember how fucked we all are. Gracias.