
I know it’s hard to believe, but they make these things called tables, specifically for eating. Not only are they easy to eat on, but they are easy to clean afterward. They even have covers you can buy for them making the process even easier.

I know it’s hard to believe, but they make these things called tables, specifically for eating. Not only are they


Are you kidding? Picard is EVERYONE’S space-dad! 😁🤩

He was a father to us all.

A well behaved, good looking, brilliant, nice guy? I’d take it.

Picard wanted to be a father so much. 

How is purchasing a subscription to a Premuim Streaming service a “lifehack”?!?

Spotify is a major corporation, not a hack.

What a stupid commercial disguised as an article. It is a real shame what this once great website has devolved into lately.

I’d eat you if the law allowed.

The only people I know of that actually make their bed are my grandparents and a former military drill instructor. One of those three people was actually born in a barn. I know a ton of adults and have seen a lot of their bedrooms. Your statements are incorrect.

The only people I know of that actually make their bed are my grandparents and a former military drill instructor.

Nope. If we didn’t eat animals, than other animals would eat them (obviously not all of them, and if there wasn’t animal husbandry then there would be fewer cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys etc alive).
Tell me that a bolt gun is somehow less humane than being ripped apart by a pack of wolves, or swallowed and digested

Not even a little. I kill and process about 3/4 of the meat my family eats, and don’t have one bit of moral or ethical problem with it. They must die so that I may live, and so forth.


There is so much variety in beer, that saying “I find most craft beers to be undrinkable” is like saying that you find most cars to be undriveable, but that you really enjoy the latest and last iteration of the Ford Ranger.

Then the question - from someone who worked at a brewery, and was one of the go-to people in the taproom for recommendations - is: what kind of beer do you like? Typically, if you can name a few beers you do like, then maybe someone can point you in the direction of other sytles/flavors/breweries you might also enjoy.


God, now I'm dying for Peking duck. Uuuuugh, why am I so broke.

I would recommend something more worthwhile like Peking Duck, for example..