

I walked into that one.  LOL

Wow.  I don’t recognize the old Nissan and the new Nissan anymore.  The R390 is awesome.  But I hope they don’t make a Q50 Hot Wheels car.

No dice

They have too much bloody money.

I agree Big Burrito. We already crowd sourced some mapping with Waze. Supercruise has got the right idea and a cool name.

Sir Mix a Lot and I preferred bigger wheels and we cannot lie.

I do take times to stretch and rest my hands. Usually on straights at the track or times I think it is safe on public roads.

Horray for having 80% of your weight over the drive wheel(s).

I dunno. It would be cool if they added LSD to the deal. Really cool. And I mean the fun kind of LSD, that is an acronym for Limited Slip Differential, not the other kind.

I am pretty sure it is a Hyundai Tuscon with a chopped roof...

Matt who?

You do you. But crashing is usually caused by incorrect tire pressure.

If you need to take your hands off then wheel, then some already went very wrong. Practice stretching. Most driving should be able to be done without taking your hands off the wheel from 9 and 3.

Tip for anyone who doesn’t know, it is better to have too much power than not enough power when starting on an incline.

All of the commenters missed the point. Try it. Try it try it. It should work. But there is no substitute for the experience.

He didn’t have a digital ballast gauge.

So... How do I do this to all the non-dodge vehicles?  I’m asking for a friend.

Why do the east asian cars have squinty headlights? I can tolerate the Q50 headlights because they look aggressive. Unrelated, thank you to cheerleaders for teaching me to spell aggressive.

For sure.  I try to avoid rust, and avoid living in places that have rust, and avoid driving to places where they have rust.  See the pattern?