
+1 for the Top Gear reference minus Jeremy being causing violence in the work place.

Stop saying 400Z... I can’t be a 400Z unless it has a 4.0 Liter engine.

Is the plan the brute force it off the shore? Does the tide have any effect on this operation? Would it be easier to push it from the shore? Don’t the ships have tug escorts in the canal anyway? If so, is this one of those escorts? Shouldn’t there be an equivalent to a harbor pilot?

Don’t drift in the canal yo!

I found this on Jalopnik. What are the specs on the tug boat? It looks huge. It must have a lot of engines with a lot of power.

No replacement for displacement.  But maybe a turbo if it is a transportation appliance.

Did I just read a non-Jeep article?

Come on man. I like your other work. Turning comments into a slide show - I’m not sure what value that adds to the readers.

I’m not going to read it.

I think that’s the wrong question. Why shouldn’t the flag keep getting bigger?

Yeah.  It should jack knife the bus more to get around that light pole, but not break anything.

Does it look like this?


No dice

From the outside

Let’s get back to the Jalop side of the story. He should have greater than a 55 degree wheel cut. I think if the bus turning right, turns the steering wheel to the lock, then he should be able to make the turn without hitting the other bus - even if the other bus doesn’t backup. There is a lot of clearance between the

Put a Jeep emblem on it.  Where is David?

There is one for sale in this article.  Don’t low ball him.  He knows what he has...

Yeah.  Empty your water tanks before a travel day if you can.  Otherwise keep it full, but not half empty.

Yes. RV sales have been way up for the past year. Like the rest of ‘Merican driver training, it is in adequate to just buy something which could weigh 80,000 lbs for personal use and call it a day.