
Get a trailer instead?


Do your bumper doesn’t get cold.

I can relate.  I evaluate my actions / inactions to see if it would disruption someone else’s driving.  For example, I might need to move over a lane to the right.  Often, I will slow down and fall in behind a vehicle close to me as I prepare to use the off ramp.  I don’t assume the amount of space a person wants to

You can do a burnout and not leave the driveway.  The best of both worlds.

Get out of the air you Sunday Pilot!

The smell of a coolant leak.  And you can tell it is your coolant versus someone else’s.

It was probably the left arm?

Did I come to Jalopnik?  Because I think I landed somewhere else.

I believe they will sell these less than the Acura NSX. It is over priced. Doesn’t have features. Looks fancy is great. But functionality counts when using it. Things like slide-outs, storage space, an accessible spare tire, and awning matter. There I said it.

I love it. What is the plan for parts? Even though it’s JDM, it might need spare parts.

Finally, an article about batteries that doesn’t encourage us to ditch fossil fuels.

I love this car.  I want one.  But it’s not a good time to spend money on a new car when I just bought a Cruze TDI.

I bet the interior will be rubbish.

Woah woah woah.  Detroit invented the drive-by.

Is this the city where you can get a pizza delivered with side order of a drive-by shooting?

Have you been influenced by David Tracy?

The Leaf was the 1st to market, right? WTF Nissan!? Did you need Carlos that much.