
Takata says Hi.

I’m not sure if the word failed means what you think it does.


Some of the buses are also owner-operators.

Maybe Miata is not always the answer?

I’m no dredging expert, but I think it’s safe to assume that at least some of the sunken barge’s cargo found its way back into the water, which really sucks because the dredging efforts have been underway since November of 2020. Weeks worth of work Pardon the expression, but that is quite the sunken cost.

Cars give plants and fish a home? They pulled 40+ cars from a lake near Nashville recently. These are not the cars you are looking for.

Any way to not make it a slide show?

I’m pretty sure it makes more HP than torque.

You don’t need 470 ft/lbs of torque to do a burnout.

How would someone get relevant data for this?

I’m cool with this. But I’m not sure if this statement is accurate.

I came here to post this question and got what I paid for.

Then I’d keep the Mercedes badges.

I’m not sure. I thought variable compression improved the effeciency, peak power, and made a wider power band.  I just read the marketing.  I don’t know if it actually does any of those things.

Didn’t we just see an article on here about USPS rebadging Mercedes vehicles?

Keep the original model name / numbers this time.


Yeah.  I’m down with burning bio-diesel made from used french fry oil.

I think electric can be a good short-term plan.  But what happens to all those used batteries after a few years?