
Does anyone else see a resembelence here?

I’m not okay with the NY Taxi Ranks.  There was some guy yelling at all the people waiting in line for a taxi.  No Thanks.  If I needed to be yelled at a little more, then I’d go back to the office.  Wait, I gotta go.

Say it with me: No clutch pedal, no drive.

Let me help you out with getting more interest:

Hi brother, this sounds like the solution to dealing with traffic. Less highways for more city streets? That sounds like a bad idea. I regularly deal with terrible traffic. My experience is that bad traffic on the interstate is better than bad traffic on city streets.

Does a this increase the chance of a mechanical failure for an opponent, if so does that count as 50% more passes?  Renault engines will help with that too.  Everyone just runs Renault engines.

But how do you have it repaired or maintaned if it is a one-off?

Did anyone else read the title as the MX-3 AWD is the only one you should buy?  Then overreact, skip the article, and go straight to the comments section to cause a ruckus?

Where do they build these?

And / or headlights

Amen brother! You have a lifetime jalop card!

It probably ran out of gas.  It almost made it to the fuel pump.

Can you imagine the hysterics if it was being towed by an Ford, Dodge, or Nissan? j/k about the Nissan, they can’t tow things.


Is that a power antenna? Does it have separate receiver for satellite radio?

Are you going to dress up as a construction worker for Halloween?

I accidentally got WD-40 in my eye once. I still believe it helped increase my eye blink speed, in that eye.  And it felt more lubricated than silly old Visene.

Are you sponsored by Harbor Freight?  You don’t have to answer that.

Username checks out.

Hi everyone, I’m pretty sure this will be a Cadillac...