
Nope. Civil infractions are not criminal activities. That’s why you don’t have a criminal record when you have tickets for infractions.

Nope. Parking tickets are grounds for a fine, not for an arrest.

Good point, but that wasn’t by mistake, either

Every commercial in the U.S. clearly pronounces the name “volkswagen.” Pronunciation mistakes don’t make it into $3 Billion marketing campaigns. Corporations may tailor their brand names (and images) to different countries/regions, but it makes as much sense to assume the pronunciation is wrong, as to assume the logo


Infractions are still crimes

Yeah, that’s one of many decisions the SCOTUS has gotten wrong, along with Heien v. North Carolina, where ignorance of the law is no excuse, unless you’re arresting somebody based on ignorance of the law.

So that’s where it gets interesting. Per the vehicle code, pedestrians have to be on the sidewalk, and if no sidewalk, facing traffic and as far to the left as possible.

Her crime was running in the street