
if Francois Cevert had most of his pressphotos taken in a bikini you would have a point. Or if it was a common argument that Jim Clark wouldnt be where he was if he wasnt so handsome.

i half agree with you. the problem comes when the system cant properly assess if you have your hands on the wheel. Like my work Audi for example. the amount of times ive had my hand on the wheel yet the car blares at me to grip the wheel is silly. I dont know if it is because i dont have a death grip on the wheel or

If this was some harmless cook you would have a point. But this was a shitbag who spent his short time here trying to undermine democracy and make destroy human rights. I say good riddance and I hope when he meets his maker its the old testament kind of maker

Was that supposed to be some kind of deffence? How? please walk me through that logic?

Oh fuck right of with your “if you arent perfect you have no ground to stand on to complain”. do you use the same argumentation for actual crime? “I am sorry but this judge has no moral high ground to adjudicate over this trial of Jeffrey Dahmer as I have it on good authority that he has once been caught speeding”

Old merc will be silly expensive to run. Also after having driven one a couple of years ago I realized this car is the size of a cozy coupe. I am 6'1 and I have ridden Miatas, OG minis, OG fiat 500s yet the only car thats i legitimately felt unsafe driving was the merc as i had trouble moving my legs to

This is something i usually file under ‘Murica. Same as the whole thing where they dont seem to have Drunk driving checkpoints. Here in Sweden police some time set up roadblocks where you are stopped have your licence checked and get to blow in a alcometer. usually the stop takes 2 mins and you are free to go. 

id say 60% and whoever said Porsche H50 needs to change their prescription. 

Hi im Ecklesiastik and i love the Panamericana Concept.

I accept maybe not pretty but ugly? When the gen 1 cayenne and gen 1 panamera exist. those are fighting words

I mean even if you are exagerating and mean that Biden is a socialist Im pretty sure you have no idea how far of the left/right scale you guys are. Here in an actual socialist country (we have had a majority socialist government for 70 of the last 100 years) Biden would maybe fit into a extreme fringe of our

is this a joke I don’t get? I Googled Lydia Tar and the only thing I could find was a fictional character played by Cate Blanchett.

The idea that the police union would really go to the mat to protect this officer after something so egregious and indefensible, while off duty, doesn’t pass the smell test either.

hi my good man. its good to see you use such honest and not at all disingenious arguments. /S

You are my kind of shitposter. keep up the good work

i mean you are wrong. very wrong (apart from fuck her). what do you think she does with the millions (or billions) she gets from the Harry Potter franchise? it gives her the opportunity to support groups financially to further her goal. So money to her is money to groups fighting trans rights. Its not that many steps

I mean that argument is dumb on so many levels im having trouble finding what of the arguments to use here. but lets start with

just a question here. for this hypothetical ignorant working man (HIWM™ for short) what today exactly is their consequence of buying the bad wizard game? From my point of view worst case scenario someone will tell them to stop supporting a transphobe and after some explaining that Rowling is a transphobe and that