
I've been wondering about that too. Why isn't Renard sharing what he knows about Meisner, how they've worked together etc.? I mean, if memory serves (which it might not), isn't Meisner the guy that Renard entrusted his child to? They seem to have a lot of history which I would love to know more about, but we do

Would appreciate opinions on something that's been bugging me since last week. Ok, so the Black Claw want a world run by wesen & Juliette explains Hitler tried it before. So, Hitler was going for a world run by wesen and what, every Jew in the world was somehow in the way? Or…there's no Jewish wesen? Or…something?

I just ignored everything else in my life & immersed myself in Grossman's awesome world for 4 days (after watching the first 3 eps of the show & realising all the comments were going to be _very_ tied into the books). When I finished, went back to the book reviews & comments & just so felt your excitement &

I think (hope) I'm replying to the correct poster Scrawler, but if you're the one who did the awesome almost in real time postings on The Magician's Land, those were awesome!

What about Sam's hair? Yes, I miss being able to talk to anyone about SPN this much! -:)

Thanks! Now I can have a better world picture in my head which for some reason seems important to me -:)

Realizing these are not too bright questions, I'm going to humbly ask anyway & hope someone answers!? 1) where are they geographically? I think last season I was under the impression that they were near D.C., but then got confused about where Mt. Weather would be (Colorado)? Yes, btw, I suck at geography! And the

Yes to Castiel & Meg! I don't even try to understand all the permeations of the male leads but Cas & Meg were adorable from the Pizza Man until her final go save my unicorn moment. And thanks for just not even going to the strange "wincest" well…think you might be the only one who didn't so, much appreciated! Also

I'm STILL feeling your pain!

Just did a House rewatch and have to throw in the character of Allison Cameron. Just gratingly self righteous. Think the only time I felt anything other than annoyed w/ her was in "Lockdown" when she finally admits how totally full of shit & fucked up she is.

As a fellow Tennant fan, may I recommend the movie "The Politician's Husband"? He has some chillingly evil scenes in that - good movie all around & really showed his range (think it was right after Doctor Who?). Saw it on Amazon Prime - fair warning though -very disturbing rape scene in that as well

Just did a binge re-watch so have been thinking a lot about both seasons! What did you think? Binged first season, watched second in real time & it's always interesting to me how perceptions change. From the POV of a first watcher, would love to know what you thought of both seasons -:). Hope you enjoyed

Don't know if you'll read this, but thanks for that explanation! And also for my first thought being hmm…so it's like Shakespeare? But crazy Ryan Murphy fucked up Shakespeare? The everybody dies because of their own stupidity/faults/hubris/etc.etc was what I tried in vain to use as the reason why I didn't need to

Why, why do I do this?? I see huge spoilers warnings and I…must.keep.reading. Hope it's at least good? Too bad - I actually love & really enjoy River/Alex Kingston. And Clara. And all the NuWho Doctor's. And companions. Slinking off now before The Wrath comes… -:) Even thought it's not my holiday, I'm just

Happy Christmas to all who do the Christmas thing! Not my holiday so doing the ritual Chinese food (actually Thai but close enough). Just throwing out a question - my sis is very into AHS & keeps trying to pull me in…was looking over the reviews & some comments so just wondering what others think? Ghosts around a

How are you feeling about "the husbands of River Song"? I'm totally intrigued & very interested in how the dynamic will be between Capaldi & Kingston (looks like fun from the trailors) but seeing other comments wondering if I'm in the minority?

I actually appreciated your comment & thank you for taking the time.

Did you see the previews after the show? Could be nothing but both the royals & the keys are mentioned in what seemed liked a big way…

Totally love the Ben & Glory - thanks much for such a snorted drink out my nose & scared my cat laugh!

Agreed. It could just be my bias - I love Barrowman - but I do so wish they'd use him more!