
Props to Owen to looking up the Unicode for a backwards Italic but he still used the caps H instead of the lowercase.

Yes I said Mega Corps ~80 million USD in Revenue for 2011 makes Mojang a successful businesses, EA on the other hand had a 2011 Revenue of ~3.8 Billion USD (and that was an off year).


I had the 664 controller and it was ok until the stick started to drift while still in the neutral position.

God saved my family's life with internet porn once...

You could make a case that the paranoia and violence induced by Rabies make is the same thing, so is the Diarrhea caused by tonnes of things that live in the gut, heck even coughing and sneezing are behaviors sometimes induced by pathogens to make us spread them.

It's Wednesday, who let Owen out of his kennel early?

Alas yon spelling check hath betrayed me again

Guy Fawkes wanted to blow up parliament because he was being disenfranchised by a new law requiring membership in the state religion, he was only anachronistic because he was trying to stop the total rule of the king who was pushing the law.

Amen brother.

Nope no war centered around the controversial idea of the superiority of a type of genetically engineered human absolutely no sort of over-man.

More like "Today I found out that people friends don't like it when you leave them for 3 hours to sit on a button, that's why i love you best cube"

You could set it after the second game and having a socially retarded Chell learning Important Life Lessons About Friendship And Social Responsibility with her neo-stoneage friends out in the post apocalyptic wilderness and every night Chell would summarize her adventure and lesson learned to the companion cube back

Contorting your hand through another persons pelvis is no easy feat one little pinch against the bones and BAM all those kegel exercises come bearing down on your hand...

Get a better hobby please, the multimillion dollar corporate entity that is Gawker Media doesn't need you to play white knight for it.

I've said it before and I'll say it again NDA's have no place in journalism.

Always? Really because I remember when all they made were Game Sharks and Dex Drives

I've been pretty careful for quite a while all on account of the bad THQ games I bought for the NES back in the day.

Damn ChiComs they already ruined Jacky Chan now they are after my RDJ?