
It would take some rather demented individuals but I think a western developer could turn out something in the vein of Disgaea, at least plot wise.

Dear sir may i refer you to M.A.M.E.

There is nothing keeping you from using any controller you like with a PC.

I agree, Kotaku's Gawker Media roots are showing and it's not flattering

Cadillacs of design?

Windows 8?

Well since the 360 Controller is a reused X-box Controller and that is an almost exact copy of the Dreamcast Controller that ripped off the Playstation Controller which was based on the SNES Controller made by Nintendo... I think you can eat a big bag of STFU.


My feelings exactly...

Don't forget that all the bridge bunnies are supposed to have clean shaven heads so their hair won't get in the way during zero-G maneuvers.

Personally reading the book made me terrified for the future of pacifism and good will among men in general. It seemed like every other page was another revelation of ethical and social degradation down to the level of a hive of ants.

"I know plenty of people who have gotten work visas through one job and easily switched jobs, only having to switch guarantor company when renewing."

But in Japan you are always a Gaijin.

They say every time someone asks R.R. Martin when the next book will be out he Kills their favorite character, EVERY TIME.

It's generally considered impolite to use the term "Alien" when referring to immigrants in the U.S.

360 d-pad is why you don't change what's not broken.

I agree with the Gamecube, a place for everything and everything in it's place, everything was fairly solid and didn't wear out overly easily.

Hey hey hey Glass houses there boiled meat man, at least we kill the animal quickly when hunting rather than chase it on horseback with a pack of dogs till it's heart explodes.

I'm sorry you must have this place mistaken for /b/...

You mean a multivitamin?