
No No No, With porn you use breakout clones not shump's

Well as a Lawyer can you also see that the American Trademark and Copyright Laws are twisted and corrupted past the point of no return?

Well maybe you are a fan of "halfway Decent action movies" and you just don't know it?

On Steam as well?

Amen to that!

Not a comic guy but wasn't "The Dark Knight Returns" widely paned for being horrendously full of bad-Frank-Miller Tropes (gratuitous female body shots, violently out of character batman, braindead social commentary)?

I'll just leave this here then

Now playing

It's not particularly out of character (at least the first one) for the series.

Forget the Boobs is that evidence of a new TenniMu in the background of #24?

No those come out for Wii ware

Seriously though I feel that Owen is a rather weak writer

Best April Fools Joke ever?

Yes AND?

You win the internet good sir or madam.

Comparing the Epicness of having different theatrical endings to the cow turd of having "No two endings the same" turn into a color coded explosions is in no way popper.

I'm sorry but yes you are wrong. Please turn in your ears before the end of the day you've been fired from hearing I'm sorry...

We're not PAYING Publishers we are Playing Publishers, Publishers are people who pick through game proposals and decide which ones will make the most money then the Publisher Pays The Developer to make the game and the Publisher takes it to market.

I'm really just saying if I'm paying the publishers share of the development I want part of the publishers share of the profits so I can do it again.

So is this a new trend?

I had never heard of the Tosa dog breed, holy crap does that thing have a bad reputation...