
around 20 years ago I purchased a used Subaru from a local Subaru dealer. I found out about 2 weeks after purchasing it that it was burning oil. They gave me the run around for weeks and in the end they didn’t fix it and they would not take the car back ( a 2500$ car at the time ).

I spoke with their sales manager

I feel that just about anyone can make a sub-7 second Ring car for $350,000+

It is per billion miles for the model, so the timeline depends on how many are on the road and will shrink as more of them are sold. Carolla drivers will hit that billion, as a collective, much faster than the Corvette drivers. So, if there has been 1 death in a C7 during their study window and the NHTSA estimates all

Fuck you. Tolerance is for the tolerant.

There was a diesel R-class as well (R320 Bluetec), which I’m surprised doesn’t have more of a cult following).

MB Tex is the best. It was on the bolsters of my Mercedes that I had for 13 years. Zero wear. 

“Nice minivan, Bro, are you a Soccer Mom?”

It’s quite obvious that because of the stormy conditions that night, that Cooper exited the plane at such a shallow angle that he skipped on the atmosphere and bounced into space.

HOAs are a cancer on society.

Meh, you get what you get when you choose to live in those awful neighborhoods. I can’t imagine living in a place where I know all of my neighbors are laying in wait to bury a knife in my back over any minor issue or oversight.

One more thing to add to the list of reasons while I will never buy a single-family-home subject to an HOA. I have one now, but I live in a condo tower and they’ve been surprisingly pleasant. When we move back to the mainland though, the first requirement on the list we’ll give the realtor is “No HOA. Not negotiable.”

3 different tire date codes on a high end super sedan is all i need to know

Can’t wait for the non-pilots to have big opinions on this one!

Over 90 percent of all Ferraris ever produced are apparently still on the road  sitting in climate controlled garages. 

The car did alert after hitting the deer, it just alerted RFK, Jr. to come pick up the carcass and dispose of it in Central Park. That’s the new protocol. 

How embarrassing for you.

Once again, I would like to remind us all about how Singapore gained it’s independence, because it’s wild. After the British gave up their holdings in the region, Singapore became part of Malaysia. But they were so violent and racist that Malaysia was forced to kick Singapore out of the country, making Singapore

I think it’s far too expensive. Its final price is similar to the base price of a C8. I’d take a base C8 over this every time.

Jim Cramer Advises Against Buying Tesla Stock

Looked rad as hell, to 1980's kid me. And, then people started turning them into Ferraris and Lamborghinis! I mean how cool is that?

Little did I actually know, they were gutless little fire hazards.