I’ve never seen the past tense of yeet before. But, well....there it is.
I’ve never seen the past tense of yeet before. But, well....there it is.
Re: Shapeshifters.
I remember as a kid, my uncle would be trailed by someone with their high-beams on and my aunt would just reach up and adjust the rearview mirror until she reflected the light right back into the following driver’s eyes.
There’s a very clear signal. You are now approaching the car instead of maintaining a set distance. For ICE cars, that’s not much of an issue, but these cars with heavy regenerative braking, where taking you foot off the accelerator is akin to braking, I could see this being a problem.
I pretty much had my perfect set-up. I have a Jeep Wrangler that I’ve owned for 29 years now, was my DD for most of my youth. Porsche 911 with a stick. Suburban for hauling kids to whatever and it can fit a sheet of plywood in the back.
Those poor bees. My heart goes out to them.
Tik-Tokker (not a just user, a content producer): flag one.
No brand is more associated with an older generation than Cadillac, except for perhaps Buick or Oldsmobile. They know who their buyers are and they tend to shy away from complicated newfangled gadgets (like VCRs!).
Not a single Alfa 33 or T33 derivative? Che due palle!
Even with huge tires the dimensions are still off.
Wait till ya see the beer commercials from the era!
I guess this story should be moved over to Kotaku.
Yeah, I would be willing to bet good money that a retrofit to a very nice, powerful but standard hydraulic system is going to be a tiny pittance compared to that and will be 98% as effective at stopping the car.
Another issue that arises for me is “What’s a high cost to pay for a car?” For everyone that’s going to be different, obviously. But in a world where a pick-up truck runs 80K+, and average price of a new car is just over 47K, is a nice low-mileage, well-maintained Vantage V8 for 55K really such an exorbitant purchase?
I live in the Columbia River Gorge and have some truly fabulous drives. I drive purely for the enjoyment of it. Here’s one of my early-Sunday-morning favorites. For a road like this, a Miata or a older water-cooled base 911 are going to tremendously engaging, because you are never going to see much top-end anyway.
Yeah, traffic in Portland definitely has that -screeching halt - ok, floor it! mentality. 84 through the Beaverton/Hillsboro area is a sucky drive anytime of day or night , I’ll freely admit.
Well, it’s not like the fold and tumble rear seat is all that secure. It’s just two metal pins in an L bracket on each side of the bench. I don’t recall if there is a nylon strap to keep it from folding forward or not, but I assume there was.
Reminds me of flying in military C130s in the cargo netting seats with your squadmate so close his knee was in your crotch, your knee was in his crotch. Everyone lined up like a zipper. If you need the facilities the paint bucket is over there behind the shower curtain!
I just came her to say that as a transplant from TX, who has driven transcontinental trips multiple times and been from one side to the other of 45 states - Oregon drivers are pretty damn pleasant for the most part. I drive all over the state and almost always feel as calm as a Hindu cow.