It’s good to release the clutch. Keeping the clutch pressed in while at lights and stuff was how I learned a) what a throw-out bearing is and b) how to replace a throw-out bearing, vary rapidly and in that order.
It’s good to release the clutch. Keeping the clutch pressed in while at lights and stuff was how I learned a) what a throw-out bearing is and b) how to replace a throw-out bearing, vary rapidly and in that order.
The absolute biggest problem of religion: It’s adherents can’t draw the line at themselves. “I believe in this, therefore I can’t take this medication.”
Your own personal suicide mission.
I never ever use the car’s built in GPS software. The phone is always light years better. Android, iPhone, it doesn’t even matter. Why wrestle with the monstrosity of auto manufacturer GPS software. Also, Waze is like, po-po dead ahead, mofo! GM can’t do that.
Eff that. I had a Jeep Wrangler that had no cruise control. My leg would ache on long trips from being locked in one position for so long. I ran a bike shifter cable from the throttle body to a thumb shifter strapped to my gearshift. Less of a cruise control and more of a hand throttle, but it held whatever position I…
I thought it was a drunk with acidosis and a baby that never stopped crying?
57.5K is dangerously close to Macan territory. I know which I’d prefer.
The thing that really bothers me here is that the customer never even went back to the shop to discuss the matter with the owner. He never even gave him a chance to come to some sort of compromise or to rectify the situation.
Those vendors are perfectly happy to bid a much lower cost for a gathering that isn’t a wedding, but the moment two people say “I do” there needs to be a triple cost upcharge? The wedding tax is very real and IS bullshit and you pretending it isn’t is weird.
A medical specialty with good pay and nice lifestyle? Yeah, that’s gonna be a tooth-and-nail residency to get into.
Here’s another recent example that really burnt my biscuits.
Another reason: If a movie is more than a few years old, it probably isn’t available as part of ANY of those streaming services we are all paying so much for. Paramount for example has tons of titles it could include on its service, but doesn’t. Same for the mousehouse.
You’re right. I am surprised by how much they’ve improved, but sedans have improved by almost the same margin. A well-designed sedan is hitting as low as 0.22 to 0.24, where trucks used to have a coefficient somewhere up in the 0.5-6 range, newest models are more like 0.38. That’s pretty, pretty good.
Why we equate “aerodynamic as a brick” with masculinity is both weird and fascinating. Round is feminine, square is masculine, must make truck square! Form following ancient arbitrary psychologic shorthand.
Four men, sent by the man’s mother to take him to a drug treatment program?
All of you know-it-alls beating on this guy saying “planting trees is good” need to show your math. Cause all of this reeks of “I just made this up and I’m 100% certain I’m correct and you are wrong.”
I want to go to Bennuhana.
What’s wild to me, and please correct me if I’m wrong, but my understanding is that, at the molecular level, particles can simply appear from nothing, but you get a particle and an anti-particle and they almost always just collide and return to nothingness a picosecond after appearing.
no bridge out sign? no barricade?
There’s a pretty well-written book on the subject: