TL;DR - They’ve been working on it for about a decade already due to SARS and MERS.
TL;DR - They’ve been working on it for about a decade already due to SARS and MERS.
This is my approach to all Bethesda products: buy it after they’ve hammered out the terribleness, released all the DLC, and the game is cheaper and includes all DLC. Win-win-win.
Wow, I wasn’t actually expecting answers to my litany of questions, but thanks for taking the time to bring me into the fold.
So, as someone who has never owned an xbox console and hadn’t played any Halo games since the original when it was available on PC, I recently picked up the Master Chief Collection on Steam during the recent Autumn Sale. I literally just finished Halo 4 last night.
The Long Dark enters the chat.
I just realized she was Mike Myers’ horny Scottish mom in “So I married an Axe Murderer.”
Trump: What can I do to prolong the pandemic in order to make the guy who beat me look bad?
I honestly feel it has to do with cabin size.
I felt this comment.
Technically, aren’t all TK’s sad?
Good tires, mused Bob.
What’s crazy is there is still millions of dollars worth of salvage parts in all those cars, just in the stuff that isn’t ruined by seawater.
I’m a pack-rat, albeit a bit neat-freaky. My old systems go into their own individual rubbermaid tub along with their games and peripherals, and onto a shelf in the garage. Consoles in storage: NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube, Wii, PS2 (Ps1 straight-up died, sadly).
If that were my dream home I WOULD be window shopping.
If that were my dream home I WOULD be window shopping.
I agree with the advice about being smart with her money, but I also hear the people saying “Hey, you deserve to reward yourself after your sacrifice”.
Agreed. She’s catching grief because she crossed the line in the sand that SHE drew.
I found Elle Macpherson’s comments to be committing almost the same type of crime. She uses the word ‘sacred’ to describe entirely mundane things. “Divine timing”. Reading her comments, I got into a vicious fight with my own hand, Dr. Strangelove-style, as it tried to force itself into the back my throat.
I’ll throw in Duel, because.
We’re still living in Reagan’s America.