
“Abortion is not just a simple medical procedure,” it read. “For many women, it is a life-changing event with significant physical, emotional and spiritual consequences. Most women who struggle with past abortions say that they wish they had been told all of the facts about abortion.”

He has a handsome but unmarked face, like a random guy in an allergy medicine commercial. He needs some sass. Hopefully he’ll bring it in the debates.

“So… you’re still abortion-minded, even if you happen to be tubally pregnant?” she asked.

I think it’s like voting, irrelevant individually, but collectively can influence politicians. Though I don’t know how/if they become aware of the content of the thousands of letters. Maybe statements with thousands of signatures are more effective?

It kinda helps if you vote, like consistently, in the non presidential elections, ‘specially if you’re in a smaller district.

Does writing your congresspeople actually help? I always assumed it was just shouting into the void and never did it, but I’d be totally willing if it actually does something.

I wish the pictures were AFTER the Outcomes. Not because of some suspense or anything like that, but because I’d love to read what the think while I stare at their faces. Maybe I am weird.

right but like, what can YOU do to enforce labor laws besides leaving internet comments about it? this whole article, and my TLDR version, is explicitly about the systematic structural injustice involved in the salon industry. this type of wordy grandstanding leaves me cold as hell

Cops HATE Her! Baltimore Prosecutor Holds People Responsible for Killing a Guy With This One Weird Trick.

Serious question. I’m a really good knitter. Is a hand knit blanket a good gift? I love knitting for others and do a pretty good job of picking patterns/colors people like. But it’s off registry and might seem cheap (but trust me good yarn is actually really expensive). What do people think? I’d rather get set

Hey, that snapping turtle is the most terrifying thing I’ve ever seen. I hate that animal and want it extinct.

Should we talk about that pig eating his watermelon on wall-to-wall carpeting in somebody’s home? Also, I hate the hippos’ handler.

I think that’s what most people do tbh. I don’t think most people expect the gifts will be new to the couple, upgrading to something nicer is usually acceptable as long as prices don’t go too high.

My FB profile picture: 74 year old male. My LinkedIn photo: 25 year old female. I’m thinking it might be best to switch the two.

I’ve held off on saying this, but I don’t understand how people can even afford to travel. Like, how to you make rent and afford thousands of dollars in flights? All to take pictures and eat food someplace where everything is strange and you don’t know the rules and etiquette?

If black #thugs would just pull up their #pants then people of all races could enjoy ten dollar slices of chain #pizza and watch #baseball, which black people don’t play because their #absent fathers don’t teach them #work ethic.

Um, the problem is that we already have women who are extraordinary, who take as many opportunities they can take on and are badass at what they do...and those women are still making less than their male counterparts.

And, like, the WHOLE POINT is that if you have to be extraordinary in order to get paid the same as mediocre white men, THAT’S UNFAIR.