
Consider how you are dressed.

For fuck's sake. It's none of your goddamn business!!!!! You're not the sole taxpayer contributing to these programs! If a parent wants to get their kid actual Cheerios instead of fucking CardboardCircleO's or whatever the generic shit is so they can feel like they're a fucking human being worthy of quality products

I just....what does a poor person look like, exactly? Are they covered in tattered clothes and ashes like the little match girl? Do they carry red-checked packs on sticks like old-timey train car hobos? I just...WHO ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?

Believe it or not in the 1930's General Mills intentionally changed their Betty Crocker instant cake recipe to make it more difficult to cook for this exact reason. Their original product only required adding water to make, but it didn't sell well.

if kbell and dax have been doing couples therapy i am once again super impressed and inspired. what a healthy responsible choice for parents in such a unique situation.

You gotta understand, this is all on a steep curve. I like Ben a lot, I just like a lot of other characters more. The show is so well done that I like pretty much every character.

Where is Ethel Beavers? This list is invalid.

GROSSSSSS. I hate when parents call their son a "Ladies man" and shit like that. He is not a ladies man, he is a fucking baby and stop trying to make people think of your baby romantically you fucking weirdos. Or even worse when people say their baby is "flirting with you." Ummm no he's not, he probably just has to

Moms who get all creepy possessive over their sons is just fucking weird and strikes me as some reverse Oedipus complex where the Mom isn't getting enough romantic attention from the kid's father/her husband/or other romantic partner so is trying to get it from her kid. This Mom is like metaphorically pissing all over

I've never cared for NASCAR, and its apparent to try to recoup dwindling audiences NASCAR is pushing wrecks, and fights/altercations to bring back eyeballs.

Go Danica!

Any other comedy nerds out there? Because I am devastated.

There's nothing French about walking down the streets in shitty flip-flops like a slob, Lena Dunham! Also, sadly, there's generally nothing very carefree about the French.

As a history teacher this makes me shake with rage. Fox commentators thinking history doesn't matter because they get bummed out having to think about slavery and the extermination of Native Americans is textbook white privilege.

Yo, I personally wear fucktons of makeup, and def not scoffing, I just think it's funny that no makeup makeup is called no makeup makeup.

Yes. I got mine for free. In July 2012 it would have been $800. January 2013 when my insurance renewed I was good to go! I did have to pay for my doctor's ultrasound to check the placement though.

Are the IUDs like Mirana covered by this? Cause I need a new one next year and I'm not fond of the idea of paying crazy amount of money out of pocket

You need to call your insurance ASAP. If the rep on the line can't explain why your pill isn't free and tell you how to get it free go up the chain politely but firmly. Insurance companies depend on people paying things without appealing. It's a dirty trick they employ as much as they can.

Meh, it's their job. My doctor did this for me. If your doctor won't do this for you, get a new doctor. But I agree, it is bullshit the hoops you are made to jump through.