
I know - like, I was raped (by coercion and threats) in college, and it took me years to understand what happened. It was my boyfriend, and we stayed together a little while after that. I felt bad but wasn't sure why, exactly. Emma felt close to him - she had confided in him - why is it out of the question that she

Even if the context is "I felt kinda bloated and changed my mind," the power of the word "no" is exactly the same.

Why do you need "context"? Are you trying to determine whether her withdrawing consent was fair or valid? People do not need any reason- let alone a compelling one- to say no to sex at any point.

I didn't even know that context and it wasn't that hard to surmise what may have occurred. I've definitely had guys try to stick things where they weren't welcome and those guys got no more sex from me. It doesn't even have to be something like that. Maybe something she ate didn't agree with her. Why the "earnest"

That "gotta hear both sides!" (copyright @Desus) mentality is the worst. Like with politics: Dems say x, Republicans say z, so the truth has to be somewhere in the middle at y. No! It doesn't! One side could just be full of shit.

"He's got a nice mom! People with nice moms never do anything bad!"

Dear Josie: You are my hero.

i want to say that i am of the opinion that it is 100% chill to be repetitive and unoriginal as long as you aren't suffering from the illusion that you're otherwise. my instagram is just monotonous pictures of my dog

Connecticut is the same way, no gifts over $100 for state employees. $50 if the donor is a state contractor. Thanks John Rowland!

How clever of the Greeks to know we'd end up using Roman letters, too.

This is all I can picture when I read about Chris Christie and his antics:

I dunno, our local mayor seems to be on the up-and-up. I tried to bribe her (by gifting her some of my Delta Skymile points) for the winning vote for my Newfoundland in the annual Howl-o-ween Pup Parade and Doggy Costume contest, but she was stalwart and resisted the temptation.

Whenever Chris Christie and his questionable ethics and bullying persona are mentioned, it's a good time to remind ourselves that he's also just really shitty at his job. New Jersey's credit rating has been downgraded 8 times since he took office - a record for NJ! - and I believe the decline of their economy is

Gird your loins, males

You can stop now, Midwestern Christians are not an oppressed group.

Here's a question: Does anyone get repulsion?

It was 6.5 years for us. And no. We went back the house we'd bought before with our dog and cats and rats and everything carried on as before. Which is good or bad, depending on what you thought of before.

Every poem she writes should be called "why I'm the most interesting person in the world" and then she can just attach a chapter number. I assume we're into double digits by now.