
What I find ironic in the comments, is so many people who have never started a multibillion dollar company taking on the world’s largest industries, talking about a guy who has like they are somehow superior to him, saying things that are every but as toxic about Musk as he has ever said about anyone else, and they

His tweet said, “considering”, not “going to” or “trying to” take the company private. It’s clear from the wording that it was a trial balloon being floated to the public for feedback, not a statement of intent worthy of an SEC filing.

You’re not going to get fossil fuel powered cars any cleaner than they are today.

Particularly the criticism and Haterade towards both.

Whats hilarious is the people who laugh at Musk because Tesla hasn’t turned a profit, then scoff at him for being a billionaire on paper because of a bunch of stock he could never actually sell. Dude has put every penny he owns into the company to accomplish his goals, and people still call him a rich asshole who only

Musk has fewer liquid assets today than the day he sold PayPal. All of his wealth is tied up in company stock that would be impossible to sell en masse without scuttling the company.

A Ford Coyote V8 swap is also an acceptable answer to any question.

When did we become a society where guilt by association became a viable and important part of our politics? What are the requirements on Ted Cruz in terms of knowing absolutely everyone he has any sorts of associations with?

I have a 1990 Firebird I would very much like to do this to. I just moved to Reno.

Here is a perspective from a conservative moderate, both for yourself as an outsider, and for anyone else in the audience on either side who has a desire to understand all sides of this problem.

It’s almost as if the marketplace needs oversight and regulation to keep it from trampling on the freedoms of the individual.

I’ve never understood the human dependency to complain about something people you disagree with do, while engaging in that exact same behavior yourself.

Most people actually are better people than we expect them to be. We are all generally no different than the hundreds of millions of other perfectly reasonable, boring people our mass media passes by every day in their never ending quest for the world's most interesting idiots.

When was writing for Jalopnik subcontracted out to the cast of “Mean Girls”?

Yeah Page and Plant are really, REALLY stingy giving out song rights to corporate interests.

Why not use all that computing power to start a media campaign promoting policy to fix what’s broken in our banking and credit systems, so that our existing system can more effectively empower the advancement of the individual in society?

Found the British guy.

My first car was a red 1990 Firebird that I have done everything to. I smashed the air dam when I ran it up on a curb in a parking lot, got rear ended on an interstate access road when I yielded for the off ramp just a little too generously, had it backed into in a Wendy’s parking lot, and I hit a deer driving through

If it’s all you’re looking for, you’ll find it whether it’s there or not, or whether it’s what you think it is or not.

As media platforms like Facebook and YouTube replace the public square as the conduit for the civil discourse in our society, the companies that control those platforms ultimately have total control over what we see and here to form our collective consciousness.