
It’s like a Pontiac Aztec had a hate-sex child with a Delorean.”

I bought my 2017 FoST brand new.

Ddon’t forget that the ”Cash for Clunkers” program also decimated the nation’s supply of cheap used cars that was keeping new car prices in check.

Just because blacks didn’t get to participate then, doesn’t mean we want to exclude people today. Making America Great Again means making it great for everybody to 99.999% of Trump supporters. If more of our black fellow citizens understood that, instead of listening to the left wing IDPol wokescolds - who stereotype

I can attest to this.

Yeah that’s the vibe I got from MCU Professor Hulk. Banner was a wall flower. Professor Hulk was a total extrovert who was totally self assured and magnanimous.

Google “fuel air bomb”

The level of vitriol and hate mongering in these comments makes it difficult to have an objective discussion about the topic.

Why isn’t it in your headline?

Garbage headlines like this are why half the country doesn’t believe anything the media has to say.

This is a subjective opinion.

Communism’s version of “World Peace” typically works out in the form of millions of people dying violently in the process. Your comment here is exactly why millions of Americans are extremely adamant about preserving the right to keep and bear arms.

Traditionally in the V8 world, the “big block vs small block” distinction revolved around the two major pushrod engine blocks used by Chevy since the 50's.

Tesla vs. Donald Trump’s Twitter feed.

I’m an engineer at Gigafactory 1. You will never find more enthusiastic “car people” than the people who build and drive Teslas.

Tesla isn’t really having problems that are beyond their ability to solve independently. Any new manufacturing process takes time to optimize. Even after commissioning is completed and the line is running at about 70%OEE- especially as quickly as the Gigafactory was built - there are always bottlenecks and yield

If GM had died in 2008 like it should have, a dozen new brands could have risen up to replace it, bought up all of the factories, engineering teams and other assets, and restored a vibrancy to the American auto industry we haven’t seen since post WWII.

I saw the legend first hand.

“Everyone” wasn’t right about Tesla, because “everyone”, including most of this website, said Tesla was going to fail.

Don’t forget that the best selling luxury sports sedan in the US is now a plug-in electric that actually leads the entire US sedan segment in total sales revenue.