You won’t get nuance from a blog located in NY about fair representation for small population (large landmass, natural resources, etc.) states.
You won’t get nuance from a blog located in NY about fair representation for small population (large landmass, natural resources, etc.) states.
It needs to stay. It lets the states that don’t have massive populations have a voice in the system. Take Wyoming - it’s got two electoral votes, but that means it’s got at least some influence, which with a state population of about half a mil it wouldn’t have otherwise.
But that’s the thing, this system was put in place to protect against the popular vote voting in a crazy person into the Presidency (see Donald Trump). It may not be fair, but that’s life.
This is the correct answer to the problem. My property does not get to determine whether I live or die, not for orphans, not for priests, not for the president.
They never say be on the look out for every black man in red shorts. Its be on the look out for a black man in red shorts. Cause you know...thats what he is.
Don’t hate the statistics. Hate the people who act and create those statistics. What should a cop say? Look for um, a guy, and stuff, he’s kinda tall and um, not white, but not asian, and not muslim, so ya, “can you guess who?”
Did the police consider that the door started it?
A lot of people on Jezebel love to criticize me for not being an avid Hillary supporter. I will vote for her because she isn't Trump, that doesn't mean she was my first choice. But the reason I don't trust her is that she always seemed willing to let other women's lives be destroyed by her husband so she could advance…
It’s elementary: blue plus yellow equals green.
Look, the games are always evolving.
Stop testing for weed. Period.
If they were black it would be called the dreaded Double *Insert racial slur, that will get people pissed because fuck double standards, here*
I call on white leaders to condemn this violence that is shaking the very foundations of their community.
Nah, another guy in the comments section had it right. “Nut juice.”
You can call it Almond Milk all you want, we all know it’s Nut Juice.
We didn’t have it for the majority of the history of U.S. commercial air travel.
Yeah, speaking positively about responsible recreational firearm use after training and under supervision do not a gun nut make.
I think we have different definitions of affordable...
I think we have different definitions of affordable...
sure, because electricity is born in the plug.