
People are actually paid to post on social media? FML, I’m old.

A friend of mine who worked in support enforcement says part of the problem is how many non-custodial parents don’t see it as child support, but money they’re being forced to pay that bitch.

It appears she found a real man. Not this fucking loser. He sounds just like my former brother in law, always some excuse for being 50k behind.

Raising children is inexplicitly hard. Imagine how hard it must be to have all these burdens AND have your children live with you full-time as a single parent. I’d love to read an article by your ex to hear about her trials as a single mother raising 3 children on one income, how she manages childcare issues, making

Same... while I have sympathy for what he’s going though, I was real interested to read the comments on this piece. Living the life of a starving artist is an okay choice to make if it’s just affecting you, but in this case? And affecting your kids for so long?? At what point are you damaging your kids to fulfill a

I’m probably being a huge asshole but I have trouble understanding how the non-custodial parents not paying child support are the victims here.

To be fair, this did happen at my university in December.

Serious degrees are sexist, racist and transphobic.

Well, I can tell you one thing that has changed. Serious students pursuing degrees in hard sciences have to study in locked rooms so that BLM people will not barge in and scream at them. And the environment on campus is like that in China in the early days of the Cultural Revolution. At any time you could find

“Libertarians are whites people begging for the status quo to remain the same and are therefore not perceived as a threat.”

If you seriously believe this, then you are a dope and know zero about libertarianism. There is literally mountains of evidence that anybody with 2 brain cells to rub together can show to be

Now playing

Yeah, you left out the part where the libertarian rancher was murdered by the Oregan state police and covered up by the FBI. They were shooting well beforehand, and continued shooting at the passengers in the car even after Finicum had “reached for his gun”.

They target losers and malcontents all the time. How do you think they’ve drummed up so many bogus terrorism cases over the years? They seem to be the only people they’re really able to find given the totality of that caseload.

As to the IRS, I’m not surprised that is your general take given that your answer seems like

It’s an image chosen to represent the idea he is espousing. He may not have had the right to use it, but other than that I’m not clear why I should care about this.

They’re certainly surveilling Black Lives Matter. They certainly infiltrated the Black Panthers, the SCLC, the Freedom Riders, Socialists Workers Party, Weather Underground, Malcolm X, John Lennon, SNCC, and the American Indian Movement. Paul may be full of shit most of the time, but take out the second sentence of

“The burden of proof is on them.”

“No one is on any watchlist for having a libertarian bumper sticker or being a member of the NRA (which is what is being asserted).”

And you know this how exactly? Most Americans were not even aware they were being domestically surveilled by the NSA until Edward Snowden called the Feds bluff and showed that yes indeed,

“Actually, the image speaks to the absurdity of the so called “facts” he speaks. Because they are not facts at all. They are fantasy, pure and simple. No one is getting arrested for expressing libertarian beleifs.”

Documented history of the FBI selectively targeting groups based on selective political leanings is 100%

“...and his history of racism.”

After reading io9, and Gizmodo I don’t know anymore.

The image doesn’t negate the facts he speaks. You all may love big-brother, but there are those of us who realize exactly what is happening, look back on history and hopefully you will wake up to reality.