They’re literally trying to kill as many Americans as they can before they’re forced out of office.
They’re literally trying to kill as many Americans as they can before they’re forced out of office.
Considering his best pal Epstein can’t hook him up anymore, they gotta get their thrills in somehow.
They’re less than animals, animals actually can care for others.
Barr and Trump just really want to kill some people before they go.
PIGS: “We are always threatened, hated by the public, and everyday out in the field we put our lives in danger for the greater good!”
Also PIGS: “Oh..well...we didn’t stop the violence because we’re not supposed necessarily save lives as a job description, only to uphold the law...which we didn’t do here either, but…
Cops aren’t attacking Trump’s nazis the way they attack anti-fascists out of professional courtesy.
Lol notice that the Nazis and right wing terrorists haven’t been shot at yet.
A nazi riot of right wing domestic terrorists.
I can’t imagine how much courage it took for Black entertainers to take the stage and perform in those times.
LOL Please let L’Oreal name their most popular shade of blonde “Jim Crow Karen.” It’s only fitting.
In a town of 2,500, of course they know each other.
One has to wonder if the white folks in this mess have some relationship with law enforcement, either a relative or friend or something. This all stinks.
You still don’t understand America, you poor soul. Nothing will change in 2050. When white people start losing, they change the rules. You have NOT been paying attention.
We’re never going to defeat white supremacy. The ideology will always be there. The focus needs to be on defeating the people who practice. We’ll never change their hearts and minds. We just have to find a way to constrain them.
Is anyone really surprised by this because I’m not. Hell, so far trump has about 2 million more votes than he had when he won in 2016. That tells me everything I already knew.
Time to update the “Safe Negro Travel Guide” using the 2020 election results.
I don’t know about you but I am 100% prepared to march in DC on Biden inauguration day or shortly thereafter just to remind them, you work for us. We put you there to do what we want. In fact I think it would be a step in the right direction to make politicians kinda fear their constituents (and I don’t mean “fear not…
Definitely believes this is God’s plan for her.
he’s already eyeballing republicans for his cabinet. pretty excited to be fucking super disappointed about him being the only option for democracy to exist for 4 more years.
I know Biden doesn’t have the stomach for this-he’ll probably twist his fucking ankle running to “cross the aisle” with the same Republicans who wipe their asses with the Constitution-but goddamn it I hope someone in the Biden administration realizes some of their constituents are tired of having eaten Cult 45's shit…