Ebony Empress

Stephen, we owe you a drink.  There was no way I was going to sit through that interview and the fact that you did it for us......well, let’s just say we owe you one.

Apparently it’s “masculine” to whine non-stop, out loud, all day, to anyone who will listen.

The masculinity of Trump...”

I feel like if an unmasked yelling person comes within 6 feet of you, you should be well within your right to pepper spray them

They should have been pepper sprayed, and had their fucking asses kicked, and be banned from Target for life.

Dear Diary,

I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that that woman doesn’t have a job to lose.

Whew, thanks! I needed that!

Man, one mention of mace and you were off to the races. lol My mind would have never went to Mase, and then you ran the reference into the damn ground, my dude. lol

Because a portion of police officers are in it for the power trip. It's not about serve and protecting, it's about beating and cuffing.

“Hey do you have a current ID? You do, but your friend doesn’t? Oh, she’s helping you pack? Well have a good night and make sure you all wash your hands!”

When all you have is an arrest, everything looks like a resistance.

I’d like to see a police department go one day without using that “resisting arrest” BS. Their heads would probably explode, like a robot dividing by zero.

Shit, he should insist on getting enough for a down payment on a house outside the red lines, after covering tuition, room & board and meals.

For a second I thought AT&T had its own police force.

I have an ex-wives-of-HOTEPs group called THOTs for Tut, where’s my money?

Shit’s not getting better, it seems.

Meanwhile in Mayopolis:

Recently I’ve witnessed MAGAt’s becoming emboldened and committing acts such as this in and around Alaska. Anchorage is a bastion of liberal progressiveness so I didn’t expect this incident to go unnoticed nor uncontested. Shout out to Lauren Lanford for calling out the bullshit.