In the words of Billy Roberts/Jimi Hendrix…
In the words of Billy Roberts/Jimi Hendrix…
Please, let’s not disgrace the use of “spidey sense” by claiming she has any sort of perception skills.
I’m must be PMS-in because my first thought when I saw this headline was: “When is someone going to choke this bitch?”
I mean honestly, you’d think an empty Ferrero Rocher wrapper like tumi lozenge would think twice about launching this line of conversation.
Tuna Labia has made an entire career out of being the object of white frat boy obsession. She is absolutely following the GOP projection playbook with this one.
This woman basically thinks because she’s white she can treat cops like she treats the waiter at her local Applebees.
nah, face tats are still the kiss of death here in Whitesville. Scares old people, you see, which would cut Applebee’s business by over half.
What a delightful Texas rose. And so well-spoken. A credit to her race. Et cetera.
That poor child.
She didn’t have a real plan for the baby, but come on, she knows better than to go to the bar without at least getting half-loaded! What does she look like, someone who doesn’t prepare for life?
Oh we all know she was pre-gaming before she hit the club.
Twice the legal limit after 2 shots? That’s some fine bathtub hooch!
White people drunk or angry, “Im WHITE bitches give me all the advantages!! Fuck you, black people having to work 80 hundred times harder. Im freeeee...”
Intoxicated Irene peaked at 22 and still can’t let it go.
I mean... seriously, ten years later and these are still the highlights? I’m not one to LOL, but I laughed my ass off at that one.
perfect grades her entire life, she was a cheerleader, she was a sorority girl, she graduated from a “high accredited university,” she was in the National Honors Society
“Thoroughbred”? Gonna need to see that 23andme, I think. Bet it’s full of surprises.