Ebony Empress

This teacher wanted a paid vacation and this was a sure-fire way to make it happen. And I’d be willing to the teacher will return to class after issuing some BS apology.

Damn, homie! I do NOT envy you. Potty training will break you down. At three, my daughter took off her diaper and said “dirty.” That was her last day in a diaper. Quick and easy.

Nah, chief. Imma need Jamie to murder Cersei. No exceptions!

Meh...I ain’t mad at these spoilers. I am working particularly crazy hours this tax season because of the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act (a.k.a Trump’s Early Xmas Gift). You gave just enough info to hold me over until I can watch the show after Sunday services.

Yes, I will be wearing red tomorrow.

I FINALLY figured out who Jared looks like! He’s a dead-ringer for that porcelain doll from The Boy. Also, I’d wager his IQ is similar to that of the porcelain doll from The Boy.

I feel awful typing this, but...this doesn’t sound like the same artist that Ummi popped me in the mouth for mimicking. Kim had bars for DAYS! I’m sad because I was ready for some new fire. This song sound like every other lukewarm, mediocre song currently being pushed on us by supposed female emcees.

Umm...I saw a video where she talked about drugging a man and allowing a “tranny” to perform sexual acts on him before she robbed him. Wouldn’t forced oral copulation be considered rape???

“Dare we further hope for a society in which 78-year women don’t end up homeless? “

Is it bad that I’m hoping they live-stream his funeral??? This event is sure to bring out ALL of high-fashion royalty. I know; I’m wrong. But, still...

You have made my whole dang day, sis! It is truly a struggle to be “othered”by everyone with whom you identify. My family gets salty because I won’t eat the chittlings they insist on bringing to family gathers. Because I am not a hijabi,other Muslims won’t return my salaam without me reminding them that the Quran

Damn. I was gonna say “I beg to differ,’ but that big ass Banana Republic sign next to the Apollo Theater made me shut all the hell the way up!

I’m excited! I may watch the State of the Union address for the sole purpose of taking in all the lewks these ladies will be serving. 

You, too?!

Just listened to this song and I’m in tears! Powerful, indeed.

Umm....imma need to watch this video at least 2 more times to actually decide if I like the song. First time through, I was too distracted by that shiny ass jacket and all of that bouncing.

I agree, wholeheartedly, with EVERYTHING you have said. Two months after my 17th birthday, I was married to a man 18 years my senior. My parents arranged the marriage. I believe that no one under the legal age of entering into a contract should be able to marry. No exceptions.

Right?! My first thought was “this sounds VERY Rosewood-esque.”

Was that pre-surgery Lil Kim in the background?! 

That’s the realest sh*t I’ve read all day! Carry on...