The kids get so mad when we tell them, “it was better”. 20-something Ladies and teen girls: It.WAS.Better.
The kids get so mad when we tell them, “it was better”. 20-something Ladies and teen girls: It.WAS.Better.
There’s an article on The Root somewhere about how white-centric cameras/general cinematography is since the creation of color photography. Basically no one thought until recently of how lighting works differently for dark skin when the entire still/live action frame was calibrated for making white people look good.
... The way this reads Idk if he hates Black(or darker skinned?) women or he just doesn’t have enough sense or respect to say “Woman”. It’s both.
This is a huge problem in the Latinx community. People will swear blind they are 100% Spanish with no indigenous or African roots. It’s sad and makes so many hate themselves. I hated seeing Latinx my shade and darker wax on about pale blue/green eyed women
I remember the Black Is Beautiful afros that would barely fit through the doorways of my 1970s childhood. That greasy Jheri Curl shit was some garbage...
Me to a lot of these responses already
May the guy who said that to you never find a parking space again.
Whenever a male hurts, women and girls will bear the brunt of his wrath.
I feel you.
I wish people in general just loved themselves. It all comes down to that. I’ve been blessed to have a teflon ego, and I don’t mean that in a cocky way as it may be implied. I’m just low-self-esteem-proof. But that comes because of the love my parents showed me and having the sense to know I’ve got it much better than…
You could never despise him as much as he despises himself.
It royally fucked her up. She’s so desperate for my grandmother’s approval and love that she’ll sacrifice any and everything if she thinks it will help get what she wants, myself included.
My grandmother had a fucked up past: she got raped when she was 14, had a baby at 15, sent her away to be raised by family then…
First I want to acknowledge my privilege of having very light skin; I am biracial, though I have a brother who is pretty dark — and that’s what I want to touch on.
Her self-hatred stems from abusive done at the hands of my grandmother, who always favored my mother’s older, very light-skinned sister and made sure my mom never forgot it.
On Wednesday, the popular hip-hop outlet Vlad TV released an interview with GloKKNine
I don’t need no black bitch
I’ve talked about this before but I was raised by a mother who struggled with colorism (and many other things.) I obviously didn’t know what was happening until I moved away, cut off contact and started taking Black Studies classes but being raised with that fucked me up so much. We lived, worked and went to church…
Whenever a male hurts, women and girls will bear the brunt of his wrath.
Im old enough to remember the Black is Beautiful wave in hip-hop. At some point we the fans have to start cancelling this coonery on sight