No, of course not.
No, of course not.
So they tossed the house and confiscated all the cash, guns, prescriptions written out to family members, and illegal drugs, right?
“That housecoat alone ought to elevate the severity of the charges.”
Pink Himalayan Salt?
“Ethnic Intimidation” - When your state police and lawmakers are too cowardly to call a hate crime a hate crime.
The problem is that 70% is either willfully misinformed (they get their news exclusively from Fox News) or they don’t really give a shit. They don’t know any black people (they might know a black person who they will happily claim to be besties with) and are happy to ignore anything they might hear about unless it it…
After wearing them for a while they take them to Savers and exchange them for house coats turned in by other white trash women in the area. Then they head next door to the Dollar Store and buy a can of spray paint.
“painted the words ‘Hail Trump’”
The way I see it, White people can be divvied up this way:
“ahem, madam, the district attorney’s office has decided to add an enhancement to your charges.”
You know they didn’t. I had greys doing the RussianBot equivalent of screaming at me that “THERE WAS A GUN IN HIS HAND” in that story of Angela’s last weekend about that cop who shot and murdered that black barber.
Do they issue these people house coats, or do they all just shop at the same place?
I wish it were a felony as opposed to a misdemeanor. That housecoat alone ought to elevate the severity of the charges.
The Root really should increase it’s staff and operational budget like 10x or 20x. As more and more of these articles surface and are pushed out onto a national platform, the more white people will understand that there is a direct financial and psychological cost associated with airing their bigotries publicly.
She had multiple warrants. She ran from the officers inside her residence. The officers were forced to make forced entry into her residence and took her into custody without further incident,” Sgt. Paul Davis told the news station.
Dear Angela,
Yeessss Auntie Joyce! Now if I could just get her and Auntie Maxine to mentor me my life would be fulfilled.
I couldn’t even finish the whole video. My skin jumped off my body and ran away.