(See any obese person on a hover round)
(See any obese person on a hover round)
Pretty sure in a country like Brazil (poverty stricken) they just feed the disabled people to the lions and tigers that live in the wild there. These must be foreigners.
A true cold weather demon.
Don't ya think?
Irrelevant. Kotaku makes posts on this all the time. TV hosts with the word "cock" on their shirt. Singers wearing "I'm a whore" shirts.
Please do as many of things as soon as possible.
Exactly. This is deadspin, so it isn't even actually a story. It's 5 sentences with 2 youtube clips.
The Chicago Zephyrs are a team to watch this year.
So one is a snowmobile and one is a trike. They both kinda suck.
I'm not a biker (I don't even play one on TV), but it has always seemed to me that your arms would get sore riding choppers like these for any extended period of time. Of course, they aren't going for comfort I suppose, as long as it gets attention.
I was thinking the same thing. Just have the comments be full of stupid ratings.
Please stop these posts. The reviews generally are not humorous and just encourage more stupid reviews that don't help gamers decide if a game interests them. Additionally, I feel fairly confident that readers of this site have the capability to get on Steam and discover reviews for themselves. Thank you for your time.
I wish Lewis Black could explain this to me.
May I recommend an appointment with your local optometrist?
Because my side is better than your side, and I need to let you know why my particular system is better. Additionally, I am going to support it with such fury that it will seem like I work for that particular company. In reality I work at Target and spend my free time writing to Dr. Nerdlove.
You fucked up the last line. "...roll through a locked down city while for a group of terrorists."
Lack of male role model is the downfall of our society. Thanks, Obama.
It seems like he plead guilty and said the comment about him being dead instead of her to gain pity. So, still pretty selfish.