
The ONLY reason they picked NYC and DC is because that’s where Bezos wants to live when not in Seattle.

*Long, loud SIGH*


The hell was that guy?

The whole Jonathan Kent tornado thing almost made me get up and turn the film off. That was such a bad scene that showed us the people in charge did not have a clue what they were doing.

“It is fiction, the nature of the character has changed with every new writer that took on the character in the comic.”

You’ve actually never read a Superman comic, have you?

At best, Man of Steel is a sub-par non-cannon take on superman akin to Ultraman or Kingdom Come. Even taken as an alternate dimension asshole

I agree that the characters change so frequently in the comics that big screen variations should get less ire.

It’s how Peter realized HE was the hero, not the gimmicks.

Has nobody pointed out the glaring continuity error here? I can accept Spidey being alive, but there’s no way Brexit Britain won’t have caught fire and slid into the sea by the time this is released in July. Maybe they can insert some background food riots in post-production.

More or less unnecessary that Transformers having lips?

Making a movie for the people out there who don’t already know who the Hulk is would have resulted in a much shittier movie.

“and this can be a real problem”

That’s a common thing in trailers though. They’ll often dice up different bits of dialog and remix them into pithier interactions for the ads. And I mean straight up cutting phrases out of sentences and using them to assemble new lines. Drop in ADR, alternate line readings or takes that would be rejected for the film

For me, Carell’s the stealth mvp of that movie. He just nails it.

Apples and orange guys.

“Why don’t the refugees just fly by Eagles directly into Dover?”

One does not simply walk out of the European Union.

That’s actually what happens in the original comics with Miles, isn’t it? (I’m to understand he’s since been integrated into the “main” Marvel Universe.) This feels a little softer, because we don’t know this Peter Parker the way we knew the Ultimate Spider-Man Peter in the comics, and you’re almost immediately

“folk/country/rock star with a song like “Shallow” would immediately be convinced to switch into high-choreo dance-pop.”

Also, Lucky Number Sleven is a fine film through and through.

If that was the title of the article, I wouldn’t have read it.