
Pfft. Who hasn’t?

I do want to watch this but, honestly, what Alec Baldwin or James Carville have to say about this country or the legacy of Elvis doesn’t interest me. Making stops and talking to the real people does, however.

yes- my larger point is we didn’t start as some sort of noble thing and we’ve been slowly degrading (like gibson’s roman empire) we’ve had high and low points (sometimes in the same period.) we started with a mix of good and bad and we’ve been up and down since then.

I don’t like these sorts of ‘america was once a great democratic ideal that is slowly dieing’ hagiographies. america was founded by a group of rich white people who saw no issue with owning chattel slaves, committing genocide against the native people and doing whatever they saw fit with the natural resources of the

god damn it. aren’t we way overdue for another plague or ice age?

I’ve invested in something similar: Aykroyn. It was developed by amorphic comedy blob Dan Aykroyd.

I took a different root and invested in “Akroin”.

I’m sorry but you’re wrong.

Doggystyle was the first hip-hop album to have such a large effect on the mainstream music landscape.

Nope. Raising Hell by Run DMC, in 1986. Triple platinum and changed the landscape. Licensed to Ill came out, later that year, and became the first Hip Hop album to hit #1 and sold over 10


You mean what Joanie says after she crowned him? I kind of loved that, and how matter-of-fact it was.

Who said I was looking for a solution? People will always kill themselves. But your insistence that we only feel sad when someone does it rather than criticize them for doing it doesn’t make you a better human being.

“People who cannot make rational decisions could at one point. And before that point was reached they decided not to do anything about it.”

I was there in the courtroom to testify that their father was a hopeless and abusive drug addict and that her parents should be given custody. After I tried my best to get him cleaned up and in a state where he could do the fucking job he chose when he got someone pregnant. And failed because dope can be stronger than

Tap-dancing around spoilers here: I see your point, but I thought the *way* that exposition was delivered, so comforting and with the speaker unseen, was chilling. Keeping in mind who he/she/they are talking to, I thought it was a really creepy way to handle it.

This take was so hot, I think we may all need to take a little trip over to the burn ward!

I came here to post this and you did not dissapoint. Carry on true believer.

Funnily enough, both Sony versions of Spider-Man made it into Spiderverse. So at least the Toby Maguire and Andrew Garfield versions exist alongside 616.

Does the MCU exist in comics continuity as an alternate universe? Because that would be amazing, and actually make perfect sense.

I also liked that they showed Mavis was hot because she put all her time and energy into being hot. It wasn’t just a natural byproduct of her being a cool girl like in, oh, every other movie.

Honest to blog, I think some of the backlash against Juno was Cody’s attempt to release new slang and hamburger phones into the cultural lexicon. I still enjoy the movie.