
Crosby’s movie is what I had hoped Echo In The Canyon would be: a deep dive into what it was like being those people. I’ve heard the songs a million times but if you haven’t, then Echo In The Canyon makes a good companion piece that addresses the criticisms Noel Murray makes of Remember My Name.

If this is really the consensus view, then Tarantino’s not the only one annoyed with how the times are changing. Good luck.

Right, S5 is all about the consequences of Walt’s success. But I think the finale was the best episode of television I’ve seen in years. (And I really really dig the timing of the last edit, as the screen goes to black and the outro to My Baby Blue kicks in)

Maybe just skip past Joe’s early scenes? Unless you have problems with Gordon, Donna and Cameron too — then maybe it’s not really for you.

I just call him Ricky Hitler, no matter what he’s in.

I just feel kind of bad for the guy. He’s living proof of how toxic fame is. Ever since he was a sweet little teen, he’s been surrounded by people who’ve encouraged him in all the wrong ways, and look how bad that’s turned out for him.

I agree. I just meant that the *tone* of Astonishing X-Men would be the right way to proceed. It’s been working pretty well for Marvel Studios...

Not plotwise (because it’s already been done) but tonally, a good X-Men movie should crib from Joss Whedon’s run of Astonishing X-Men, because honestly that’s the template: they’ve finally become friends, they crack (good) jokes, they face unspeakable evil, and frankly they’re all kind of scary. All at the same time.

This. That’s the challenge in adapting this story for the screen.

lol. YMMV.

Thanks. That wasn’t clear to me. But it makes sense.

For all the build-up to this season, and for all the boxes I thought had to be ticked before the story can end, these three episodes have been pretty low on actual dramatic content. We get an episode of reunion, then one more-or-less out of Henry V’s night before Agincourt, and then one long zombie outbreak. People

Maybe because I was never into the comics, on-screen Harley Quinn just never made it for me. But more probably, I was turned off because her origin story = empowered woman (psychiatrist) who gets ECT-ized into a psycho-slutty moll. People will tell me to lighten up (and I’m okay with that), but I can’t really root for

I loved Russian Doll. Am indifferent to the other two series — not that this matters, except I can’t really speak to how those characters seem to me (for sake of compare/contrast).

Mm. Okay. Didn’t seem like it was the whole point. More of a one-time dare. I still want Miles...

Well, we don’t know *how* the MCU is going to bring the heroes back yet, do we? I mean they’re not just going to pour water on the piles of dehydrated dust right? It could be some turn-back-time thing, or it could be a reach-through-other-multiverse-Earth and grab ‘em thing.

I want live-action Miles Morales! I hate that MCU Spidey (as sparkling as the kid is) lacks autonomy, that he’s so dependent on Tony Stark for costume, etc.

Don’t get me started. They look like big piles of garbage in the movies. I don’t care about their teeth but yes, that sounds similarly unnecessary.

I’m mostly just annoyed that Ultron had teeth. Talk about unnecessary!

I don’t what movie Ig saw but I loved it. The weird boundary between comedy and documentary that McKay mined in The Big Short is again in evidence, but it’s not the same gags. I liked all of them, from the iambic pentameter, to the fake credits, to the reveal of who our narrator is.