
It’s all a game to these people. Cillizza views Trump and his Goon Squad the same way the Pelicans view the Warriors. Sure, they’re the opponent for a little while, but after it’s all over we should be cordial.

I think, for Haberman, it’s a combination of (1) wanting to suck up to keep her access to the WH (don’t forget that photo of her with Orange Foolius in the Oval) and (2) butthurt at how Michelle Wolf called journalists like her out.

People keep claiming that Wolf makes fun of Sarah Slanders’ physical appearance, and I’m still trying to figure out where she does that. The smoky eyes and Aunt Lydia jokes were so fucking obviously about the lies and the bullshit.

Oh get right the fuck out of here with that.

Yep, that’s how I took this as well. Wasn’t about her appearance, it was being an apologist for an administration that is steps away from going full Handmaid’s Tale.

if Trump’s skin was any thinner it would be vapor. – Religion Is 4 Dolts, Behind your bushes, United States, 2 days ago

I don’t think “Aunt Lydia in The Handmaid’s Tale” is a dig at Huckabee-Sanders’ appearance so much as at her role as a willingly propping up a regressive administration through propaganda re-education? (Especially with the Pence line to follow-up.)

I can see your point. That’s how I always felt about Game of Thrones.

Don’t forget Professor Charles Eggzavier, where every other person with that name is “Zavier.”

I haven’t laughed this hard at an AVClub article since the Kinjapocalypse. The “Recom-MUNH-Dod Stooorahs” clinched it.

It’s levi-O-sa....


Someone should make this into an animated jif.

Poor Jenny Slate. Catching a ton of crap for a perfectly valid pronunciation.

Frankly it’s always bothered me more that symbiotes are even called “symbiotes”. Symbiosis implies both organisms benefit from each other, and sure the host gets superpowers in Marvel but they also get a split personality, severe rage issues, and depending on who’s writing the comic they can occasionally fully hijack

Yeah, no, Jenny Slate’s pronunciation is fine.

I felt William should have been dead there when he got ambushed by two hosts. When robots shoot, shouldn’t they have perfect accuracy?

Even by AV Club standards, that reads like a review of an episode with a solid C rating.

It’s Ed Harris, he glared at it until it knit back together

As my grandma always said: “If you’re in a high society party overrun by rampaging androids, stop wearing heels and get some practical shoes.”